The week before school started Kai Xuan and Kai Li came to stay overnight. Kai Li came first 'cause Kai Xuan was out with friends... and it was Christmas day when she came... Kai Xuan was out with friends on Christmas day in a mall and Kai Li was with us... My cousin brother Wei Hsien was so eager for Kai Xuan to come 'cause it's been 4 years since all of us last met. Me, my cousin Angie and Kai Li went to the park and we got rained on... it substituted snow.. haha. At night time Kai Xuan came. Kai Xuan and Wei Hsien's reaction when they saw eachother after all these years was really funny. I managed to capture the moment. 
I like this pic... :D
The rest of the night was nice... Wei Hsien slept in a different room because there was me, Angie and Kai Li on one mattress... and that was ok because we weren't big sized like Wei Tzen, Wei Hsien and Kai Xuan. Kai Xuan and Wei Tzen took another mattress and there was no space left... Our room was MESSY.... WOW. It was like a tornado hit our room. zzz.... We all slept at about 4a.m.. just lying down wide awake talking about school... life... everything... Well.. not EVERYTHING, but you know... the usual things.... lols...
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