January 30, 2008

Working in the Office

Ever since Angie left for Johor my mom asked me to take over her job in the office. Its just a 3 minute walk away from my house so I can walk there if I wanted to. Any small jobs like printing things that they need printed.... I do... so they can do their work. I don't really mind going 'cause then I'm not at home the whole day bored.... I can bring my laptop and homework there too.... Its air-conditioned!! =D
Kai Xuan and his buddy are also working in the office but for Sunita's dads company and not my moms. They got a nice office space!! Big leather chairs and a nice big desktop computer.. 0.0

But the air-contidtioner where I am is cooler.... =D

Audrey drew this for Kai and his buddy.... just to make sure their working... It says "WE ARE WATCHING YOU" haha.....

Audrey brought her dog to work!! Say hello to Richie!! Ain't he cute?

Ahh... what else...... Hmmmm.. the printer got jammed twice today in 10 minutes!!! Aiyohh.. lousy printer. My shirt kena a little bit of ink.. 0.o. Not really noticable.. It kinda adds to my shirt pattern... 0.o I caught Kai online during working hours!!! (shhhhh)... He never replied my mesage anyway so atleast that means he's not talking to anyone on MSN...

Ahhh.. not much else happened in the office. Just usual working people...

January 27, 2008

Unfriendly Neighbours :O

Hmmm.... just last week my mom was taking a walk in the park. On her way walking home she fell down and cut herself... she got a really bad wound on her right leg (all the blood coming out.... =o) and she sprained her left leg.... How could she walk!!! She sat on the side of the road... and passing cars didn't stop to offer help.... :C OMG!!! Whats wrong with our neighbours?? Can't you offer my mom any help??!?!?!?!? She had to limp all the way back. I wasn't there with her when she fell BTW. Just herself.

And then just yesterday me and my mom were walking to Uncle Chin's house in Sulaiman 6 to give him some goodies.. she fell down again. Her bandage came off.... and there was more blood... :O One car passed by and I waved my hand to ask the people in the car to give us a lift down the road to Sulaiman 4 where we live.... they just drove by!!! I could reconize the guy in the drivers seat.... One of our neighbours..... :O That dude had better be carefull.... I'll go warap him...... So unfriendly to your own neighbour...

I wish people nowadays could be more friendly... Imagine you were my mom and you fell down on the street... you wave for help to passing cars and people just ignore you... How would YOU feel??

Treat others as you would like to be treated...

January 25, 2008

Roadrun =D

Today was our school yearly Merintas Desa... but this year its called Roadrun... same thing.... but different name. I didn't feel as sick as the past few days... (I hope I'm getting better!! =S)...

I brought my camera to school. They won't rampas it anyway, so many people brought cameras and phones. I got a lot of good pics. :D I don't know which ones I should upload. Haih... but here are some.... enjoy!!

Jeanne, Chloe and Junmey

James and me

James and Kee Chung

Back: Pui Imm, Lean Na and Czientze

Keng Ean, Yee Fern, Li Syen, Jessie and Crystal

The NG sisters

Khai Weng and DillonIllina and me

Czientze and me

Wei Jie and Alex

Top: Jeanne, Chloe, Czientze, Junmey Below: Me and Lean Na

Dillon and Wilson

Farhan and Jepri

Leng Zhai

Fuyoooohhh.... bad boy....

January 19, 2008


Aaaahhhh.. here are some lousy stuff I did on Paint... was to bored larhh...

I have No comment about this one

Dwiddles are my own creation... and they are COPYRIGHTED!!! HHAHA *ahemmm* I think thier cute.. so uh... yeah... they're just cute. =p

January 18, 2008

I ponteng half a school day!!! =P

Stomach pain when I woke up like yesterday... Slept on the couch this morning in my school uniform.. and then just decided that I best not to go to school... and since today was a Saturday... lolz..
At 9 my mom woke up and she asked me if I still wanted to go to school... I said ok lah.. because I have nothing to do at home.. She took me to school in a taxi and then she went for her meeting.
When I came into class Paul was like.. WAhhhh... why you come so early?? ahahah... -.-
Nicole was happy to see me come 'cause she had no one to talk to.... lolz...
It was Sejarah class when I came in but everyone wasn't doing anything...Cik Faizurah wasn't teaching.. I came 15 minutes just before recess!!! Yayyy!!
Not much lah today... since I came to school half day. We drew our own version for the book cover of Phantom of the Opera... Mine was pretty simple... just a mask that the Phantom wears and a rose next to it and in the distance a silhouette of the Phantom...
During Science class we were finishing up the sub chapter about our ears. I looked at the fish-tank and I saw that the fish with one eye knocked the water filter tube and the tube came loose from the operator thing.. I told Pn Raspal and she said she didn't know how to fix it. she asked who would like to put the tube back together and I volunteered. Wasn't bad... I just rolled up my baju kurung sleeves... took the tube and the operator thing and put it back together... that was fun..!! =D It kinda reminded me of the movie Finding Nemo... the escape scene in the tank at the dentist where Nemo had to put the pebble in the filter thing and thier tank got filthy... In this case the big fishy just had to knock the filter thing and taa daa... wait until they had to get thier fish tank cleaned... I don't know where the fish would go in our school compound... there's the Kolam Simbiosis near the tapak perhimpunan but thats a long way for a fish... :S
What a mystery.. o.o When we reached our next subject.. our eyes... at one point I think it was Zhong Ren and Alvin who were speacking chinese. Pn Raspal said that in science class we must only speack BM and English... and we must mix around.. Then she pointed to my group and said "Like this group.. one malay, one indian.. .... and I don't know what you are..." The I don't know who you are was me... 0.0 haha that was funny...


Ignore the title... I don't know what title to put for this post... Today there was PJ...!!! But I skipped... lol. Stomach pain, really bad. Went to school and vomit out Flem... yeeessh.... =O I had the same problem yesterday... but it wasn't as bad as today... I was sweating!! I went to class to sleep.. James and Zhong Ren were in class. I asked Zhong Ren to tell Cik Salawati I wasn't feeling well... I don't know if he told her or not... lolz...
I didn't hear announcements. When I came back to class after a puke =o, all the Chinese dudes in from our class were in class... Brian helped me get my bag from the canteen. =p Thanks Brian.
Everyone went for PJ, I stayed in class. Pn Hasni came into class and she said "Rhonwyn..?? Rhonwyn..?? Hwanchi???" No response. She came up to me and touched my forehead.. hot. Her reaction was funny.. she was like "Aiyoh!! Hwanchi... you sakit ah?? Demam ke? You tunggu sini ahh.. Saya panggil Pn Lili to take the kunci untuk Bilik Rawatan ya?? Tunggu ah?!"
Uh... ok... I waited 20 minutes... I watched everyone in the field during PJ... they were doing push-ups, running and jumping.. then touching the top of the football goal... and running some more. I didn't see exactly what they were doing since I was kinda blur... but it looked like fun... and I missed it!! :C
Pn Lili came down and she touched my forehead... She asked me "Can you walk?" "Boleh" "ok come.... take your cermin mata and botol air...". PJ was already over by that time. Everyone was changing into their uniforms. Pn Lili took the wrong key.. so she left me outside the Bilik Rawatan to get the right key. I was sitting down at the entrance. Pn Lili didn't have the key for the Bilik Rawatan beds... and she didn't wanna go up again... (I take a guess she's about 7 months pregnant :D)
Zhong Ren helped Pn Lili move one of the cusion chairs to the one I was sitting on. They left me and I fell asleep... I slept!! A extra hour of sleep... eheheheh.... Pn Hasni came in 2 times I think.. to check if I was ok... I woke up during recess. Jayaraju walked passed and he was talking... so I woke up. lolz. Nicole came in and she helped me carry my bottle. I felt better but not 100%.
I didn't eat during recess. I didn't have an appetite. During BM Nicole told Cik Salawati I didn't eat, and her expression was funny...!! hehehe... Kinda like she was gonna blow up.. showing her teeth.
The rest of the day I was ok... Hope I don't get sick tomorrow.. that will be a bummer... 0.0

January 17, 2008

Lil T

Meet the little guy!! Lil T.. a teddy bear! He's really cute. I got him for Christmas from my dad. :D Ain't he cute?? hehe

January 10, 2008

Friday!! Siviks class was funny... heheheheheh

Today's a Friday. -.- Last day of school for the week. Yesterday was a holiday. Hmm... I think I'm gonna survive this year, everything seems to be cooling down. My only problem now is understanding my teachers. Since I still sit way back, I can't really hear. I need bionic ears like Mr Eugene... =p
Last night was terrible. I noticed that we have so many subjects on Friday... OMG!! I had to bring 6 text books to school today, plus Junmey was returning me my KH textbook, and thats heavy.. 0.0 I use a sling bad for school, my school bag rosak di. So no choice. I carry some books by hand. So urmm.. got to school and waited for the bell to ring.
I had to rush my English homework during BM, cause the next period was English... The crossword puzzle so MESSY!!! I thought I copy wrong, I just don't know what the answers were. Like one question was " ___ do not sleep. (4)" what could the answer be? It could be anything, just that it won't make any sence. Like "Come do not sleep" or " Gosh do not sleep" lol. The answer was "ANTS do not sleep" lol. Like I said, could be anything. But there's a fact that we should know, ANTS do not sleep. At least Cik Melati didn't pull my ears or anything because I thought I copy wrong, turned out I copied everything right, just a few answers wrong. Some people got ear pulled or scolded for leaving the whole crossword blank. Lols...
Moral ok ok lah..... Urmm... not much. Had latihan to do...
Recess was so weird!! I finally got to eat a plate of nasi lemak, first time this year, and I bit into one of the peanuts.. and it didn't crack!! MY TEETH!! ARHHH!!! That "peanut" was a stone.... A STONE!! IN MY NASI LEMAK!! OMG!! lol... My teeth!! =S
Pn Hasni ask us to go to Bilik Sivik for siviks... Shes our siviks teacher, the principal.. an in her class we are so undicipline!! zzzz
Pn Hasni asked us to name our group, get a ketua kumpulan and penolong, and draw our group logo. Our group leader WAS Brian, and Shahidan as the penolong, but Johnson, Brian and me kept talking... Shahidan and Shuhaddah were doing all the logo designing, group name, writing all the stuff down. So we voted Shahidan as group leader, Shuhaddah as penolong. Brian, Johnson and me were playing spin the pencil!! We asked questions like, who looks like a rabbit, and it'll be someone from our group. Only the 3 of us we're really playing. Group leaders doing their thing, 3 of us playing games infront of the principle and the rest sitting down looking bored. Pn Hasni saw us playing but she didn't care 0.o .....

Pn Hasni "Why do you have to be cemerlang?"
Me "For the sake of our teachers..." only Brian and Johnson laughed
Pn Hasni " What do you in life?"
Brian " RTM!! (Rehat, Tidur, Makan)
...... (Pn Hasni talks about something...
Pn Hasni " You must all be a smart team"
Me "We are all brainless"
Haha... positve feedback + negative response = negative.. hahah

Pn Hasni asked the group leaders to tell everyone in class why we choose the name for our kumpulan... I forgot our group name... all I know is that its 2 words and the theme is Cemerlang.
Shahidan stood up and talked... at one point he said " Kita semua nak pergi ke tempat yang orang lain tidak pergi..." something like that.. or in English " We want to go to places where no man has ever gone". Thats what our group name means? Hm.. not sure. We want to go to places where no man has gone.... the girls toilet for the guys and the guys toilet for the girls... hehehehe. Shahidan did a great job talking about our group though.

I'm starting to like not being a class monitor, 'cause I'm free from being the model student... I can talk in class!! Not like last year.. if I talk teacher marah.. classmates complain that I talk and I don't let them... now no more complain!! =D I won't go brainless though... I'll still do my best to get better results, but I don't wanna be a model student, then some students start to think of you as a nerd... smarty pants... teachers pet... whatever. I like people to think of me as a weirdo!! haha.. Brian got so freaked out when I did my eye thingy... like move them left and right... hehe I'm free..!! No more class monitor!! =D Well.. not really free... but. Kinda.

RUDE Malaysians...

I don't know WHY they are like THAT... some MALAYSIANS really MAKE ME MAD!!! THEY ARE SO RUDE!!! Don't know WHY am I saying this??

I have a downsyndrome uncle who has a hole in his heart... now the hole is getting bigger. He can't walk that well so sometimes when we bring him out we have a little trouble... since he can't walk well it causes a little bit of a traffic jam.

Just today we went to DU to eat Lam Mee lunch. We got my uncle out of the car and took him up the steps. He can't walk up the stairs himself because he's scared he'll fall. He had a nasty experience once a few years back at home... he fell off the stairs and since then he's been scared. We had to lift up one foot at a time. Then at the door of the Lam Mee retauraunt his foot was stuck near the door. He can't turn his feet because he doesn't know how. We didn't know it got caught until my mom saw it.. behind us was this young chinese lady who crossed her arms when my mom looked at her. I saw her face... her expression!!! OMG. SO RUDE. BIG SULKY FACE!! MY UNCLE IS DOWNSYNDROME AND HE CAN'T WALK WELL!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR AT THE BACK OF US HUH, HUH, HUH???? OPEN THE OTHER DOOR AND LET YOURSELF IN.. WHAT DO YOU THINK THE OTHER DOOR IS FOR??!! WHY WAIT WHY WAIT???? STOP STARING AND MOVE YOUR ASS SO I CAN HELP MY UNCLE!!!!! After I pushed the other door a little bit to signal her that she doesn't have to be so impatient waiting for us when the other door was open... she went in. GEZZZZ...

My grandma came to "help". She pulled one of my uncle's legs and he almost fell... he leaned to one side and since he was heavy we had to use a lot of energy to get him to stand straight again. My mom asked my grandma not to 'cause anymore trouble and sit down at the table. Do you know that those chinese families who were sitting close to where we were standing were just staring at us?? Thats RUDE!!! You can either ignore us or offer us help... especially the fathers... And tell your kids that people like my uncle are completely harmless. My uncle is soooooooooooooooooo caring. He doesn't know that I'm his neice, he calls me mei mei... like as in little sister.

Does he look like he will do anything bad??

To all those Malaysians who like STARING....... how would you like it if YOU had a downsyndrome who can't talk in your family.. you take him out and people STARE at you... how would you like THAT?? Show some respect, all of you. Not just to your family, friends, teachers, bosses whatever... but to others as well. People like my uncle.

January 9, 2008

Nothing... zzz

Hmmm.... schools been ok... Not REALLY good, but good. We're settled in I guess... I wasn't really, 'cause I don't have all the school books. I borrowed from Wai Lup and not the school. Lau Ya.... lols.

Shuanna saved my life and gave me the rest of the books I needed. (SHould've borrow from her earlier and not Wai Lup!!!! -.-) All together I borroweb Form 2 books from 3 people who are now in 3 Adil... Thank you Wai Lup, Shuanna and Ze Wei.. =D

We got Cik Melati for English.... so many ppl say shes strict. I don't think she is... t0.o

Pn Raspal is our science teacher... she said she will be retiring soon this year. Shes a really good science teacher. PN ANG is also retiring!! OMG... Pn Ang!! Who is gonna be the new afternoon session supervisor?? Hope someone as good as Pn. Ang. Pn Lim retired last year.. why are all the good teachers retiring???!?!?!?!?!? Left us with all the young new teachers.. 0.o Aiyo die lah.

Pn Raspal today made us copy stuff for science... lucky I don't need copy heheh... I bought the SPS book already. Shahidan was sitting next to me, I don't know why. His place is at the back, maybe 'cause he can't see, no glasses... heheh. He and Jayaraju use my SPS book to copy what Pn Raspal made us copy.. lol. I was soooooo lucky that I copy finish just in time, run to the back gate, and just nice Uncle came.. 0.o. If I had been any longer Uncle would have left.. lol.

Tonight was the 2nd night this year that we actually had a chinese dinner at home with rice and dishes... the past few nights we've been eating Western food, like meatloaf.... pasta... lol =p

January 5, 2008

More Fun... lol... -.-

Don't wanna blog so I'm just gonna upload the pics...

At Berjaya with the Christmas tree

Mc Donalds...

Where's Kai Li??

The whole gang.... =D

One extra Sunita... can't see her face.. only her hair

Last shot of the gan before everyone left.. =C

From left: (Below) My Mom, Kai Li's mom, Uncle Garin, Kai Li's dad, Sunita's parents.

Such fun... to bad it all came to an end so fast... I miss Kai Li and Kai Xuan already!!

Photo's are kinda small and if if I make them any bigger you won't be able to see..

MORE FUN!!!!!!!!! Day 1?

Kai Xuan and Kai Li staed from Christmas day to New Years Eve night. So we spent New Years morning together... Here are just some pics of all of us....

Before going to Berjaya Times Square

Fixing their hair.... =/

At Berjaya Times Square in Cosmo's World...On the baby rides.... =P

Fun... :D!

Such fun.... :D

The week before school started Kai Xuan and Kai Li came to stay overnight. Kai Li came first 'cause Kai Xuan was out with friends... and it was Christmas day when she came... Kai Xuan was out with friends on Christmas day in a mall and Kai Li was with us... My cousin brother Wei Hsien was so eager for Kai Xuan to come 'cause it's been 4 years since all of us last met. Me, my cousin Angie and Kai Li went to the park and we got rained on... it substituted snow.. haha. At night time Kai Xuan came. Kai Xuan and Wei Hsien's reaction when they saw eachother after all these years was really funny. I managed to capture the moment.

I like this pic... :D

The rest of the night was nice... Wei Hsien slept in a different room because there was me, Angie and Kai Li on one mattress... and that was ok because we weren't big sized like Wei Tzen, Wei Hsien and Kai Xuan. Kai Xuan and Wei Tzen took another mattress and there was no space left... Our room was MESSY.... WOW. It was like a tornado hit our room. zzz.... We all slept at about 4a.m.. just lying down wide awake talking about school... life... everything... Well.. not EVERYTHING, but you know... the usual things.... lols...

2nd day of school

Hmm.... today seemed to be much better than yesterday. I made an agreement with Ummi no matter how much she talks that I will teach her English and Science and that she can teach me BM and Sejarah or whatever which person is better at what subject we teach eachother. Geografi last year both of us got the highest in class... project was the highest and objective was the same score lol. I never thought I could get highest in class but both our scores were really bad to.... 67% was our scores... and that was the highest in class?? Haha. -.-
I'm trying my best to make the best of Form 2 now. I sit at the cornerback... me and Ummi changed place. Now I still sit at the back, just not the corner, now Ummi sits in the cornerback so she can talk more with her buddy infront and I get to see the board a little better and I can hear better. So we're both happy.
Recess was still the same, not really used to it yet, hopefully I will. And I'm also happy because someone waved to me during recess.... didn't talk to that person yesterday, lols. So I'm happy. :D SO.... atleast today was much better than my complaining from yesterday. So I'm happy...

January 4, 2008

First day of school

I couldn't sleep last night... don't know why... It was like... First day of school... First day of school... that keeps repeating itself in my head all night. At 3 am I went downstairs and watched TV until about 4.30. Then went back to bed... my maid woke me up at 5.am. Cannot sleep so just get up lah... For no reason I just decided to tie 2 piggy tails for school. They looked ok so ok lah, go school like that. Uncle came at 6.50am. School looked so abandoned cause they're weren't many students and I guess it was just a while since I seen school.
Talked with friends... catch up on what we've been doing for the holidays. Lined up according to last years class... good to see everyone. :D We went into our new class....!! Its the lau ya class... lol. The class which is also the hall... just have that iron thing come down to seperate classes...
Our class teacher is Cik Salawati and I call her Cik Sawi for short, I don't call her that face to face... Its just a nickname to remember her. Haha.
We had students go in and out... Tzer Haw moved to 2 Amanah, Parthiban moved to 2 Yakin... Brian Lee moved from Rajin to 2 Bersih and Paul moved to our class form Gigih. Then everyone else is still the same. Cik Sawi gave us our new places.... she said she already knew where she wants us to sit. My new place... at the wayyyyyyyyy back of the class next to Ummi... I got the back corner... or cornerback.. hehe. I can't really hear or see anything back there lol.... I was kinda pissed off 'cause Ummi and a girl who jumped from Yakin to my class keep taking non-stop... OMG!! So annoying!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna change place!! LOl....
Cik Sawi wrote down what we need to buy.. all that stuff...
Lols... Recess was really funny... I'm not used to it and it was crowded. I felt so SHORT!!!! zzzz.... Almost everyone there was taller than me!!! It was so hard to get food cause.. you had to keep pushing... lol.

The rest of the day was ok la... Went home. We have Cik Melati for English 0-o.... we're dead...!! shes fierce lol. Our science tecaher is Pn Raspal... and todays science lesson was really funny cause Pn Raspal was explaining all the apparatus in the lab and she kep saying "so". "So.. .. if you want to release the gas from the gas jar you do this... so.. like this yah??" lol...