I don't know WHY they are like THAT... some MALAYSIANS really MAKE ME MAD!!! THEY ARE SO RUDE!!! Don't know WHY am I saying this??
I have a downsyndrome uncle who has a hole in his heart... now the hole is getting bigger. He can't walk that well so sometimes when we bring him out we have a little trouble... since he can't walk well it causes a little bit of a traffic jam.
Just today we went to DU to eat Lam Mee lunch. We got my uncle out of the car and took him up the steps. He can't walk up the stairs himself because he's scared he'll fall. He had a nasty experience once a few years back at home... he fell off the stairs and since then he's been scared. We had to lift up one foot at a time. Then at the door of the Lam Mee retauraunt his foot was stuck near the door. He can't turn his feet because he doesn't know how. We didn't know it got caught until my mom saw it.. behind us was this young chinese lady who crossed her arms when my mom looked at her. I saw her face... her expression!!! OMG. SO RUDE. BIG SULKY FACE!! MY UNCLE IS DOWNSYNDROME AND HE CAN'T WALK WELL!! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR AT THE BACK OF US HUH, HUH, HUH???? OPEN THE OTHER DOOR AND LET YOURSELF IN.. WHAT DO YOU THINK THE OTHER DOOR IS FOR??!! WHY WAIT WHY WAIT???? STOP STARING AND MOVE YOUR ASS SO I CAN HELP MY UNCLE!!!!! After I pushed the other door a little bit to signal her that she doesn't have to be so impatient waiting for us when the other door was open... she went in. GEZZZZ...
My grandma came to "help". She pulled one of my uncle's legs and he almost fell... he leaned to one side and since he was heavy we had to use a lot of energy to get him to stand straight again. My mom asked my grandma not to 'cause anymore trouble and sit down at the table. Do you know that those chinese families who were sitting close to where we were standing were just staring at us?? Thats RUDE!!! You can either ignore us or offer us help... especially the fathers... And tell your kids that people like my uncle are completely harmless. My uncle is soooooooooooooooooo caring. He doesn't know that I'm his neice, he calls me mei mei... like as in little sister.
Does he look like he will do anything bad??
To all those Malaysians who like STARING....... how would you like it if YOU had a downsyndrome who can't talk in your family.. you take him out and people STARE at you... how would you like THAT?? Show some respect, all of you. Not just to your family, friends, teachers, bosses whatever... but to others as well. People like my uncle.
You are a very articulate 13-year-old with a lot of maturity. Say hi to your mum, I already miss her articles in the Star!
wow ur mom sounds pretty famous...maybe she has fans!lotzz! how sad huh...u live a sad life...doesn't mean u cant have fun! :) try 2 have some fun...u need it
Hi :) Sometimes when people are not sure of what to do or react they resort to staring. And yes, I agree that its rude.
Unlike al3x, I think you live a wonderful life. Caring for your uncle is such a beautiful thing to do. I am sure it is rewarding in its own way.
Have a great weekend! :-)
Dear R,
I'm sorry to read about what happened to your uncle at the Lam Mee place. Yes I think some Malaysian's are just beyond words...
I am a mother with 2 small kids and I often have to walk through heavy glass doors with one stroller and my todler daughter in tow. Seldom do Malaysians offer to open the door for me and my children. They either wait on the other side for me to open the door (as if they don't have hands to do it themselves) and walk through (as if I am opening the door for them)or they would just go first and let go of the door for me to open it myself or let me open the door and squeeze in just as I am moving in. Thoughtful don't you think!!!!! Most of the time I just tell myself they had a brain freeze so thus they froze and all their common sense and manners just leaves them but sometimes....
The more we develop the more we forget about values. I have so many encounters with rude and mindless malaysians that sometimes makes me give up on the people of this country. Where did it go wrong?
Don't give a thought to those mindless malaysians as I am sure your uncle is unaffected by them as he is sorrounded with those who loves him and knows him best.
Happy New Year.
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