December 12, 2007

Squash and Tennis and my day

After guitar lesson Kendrick, Alex and me went to play squash and tennis. We left dear Joshua at home to play his online games... First we played tennis.. Kendrick and Alex were playing the most. I was mostly the audience and the ball retriever. Kendrick so funny lah... he hit the ball 2 hard and it flew out the court like .... 3 or 4 times, and each time I went down to find it. Alex lost one tennis ball. I don't blame Kendrick for hitting the ball that it flew out the court.. its his first time playing tennis and everyone starts of as a noob... :P. I didn't play much, only 5 minutes.. like I said, I was mostly the ball retriever and the audience.
I found a beetle on the swimming pool floating and trying to get to the ground when I was looking for the lost tennis ball. I rescued it and put it on a leaf and brought it back to the court. I said to Kendrick "Look what I found!!" and he looked and backed away really fast saying "Oh my gosh!! I hate you!!" haha... funny. Alex was like "what what??" I showed him and he also backed off... C'mon guys...!!!!!! How can you be so scared of a little guy thats completely harmless?!?!?!?!?!?!? The beetle was about the size of my thumb. I think, if I'm not mistaken, its a Rhinoceros Head Beetle. I maybe wrong, but thats what it looks like.
It started raining so we stopped and played squash instead. We rested for a while and I made hand prints on the ground with water from the pool. hehe.
For some reason, my squash racket grip seemed to have shrunk. And my squash ball wasn't bouncy.. lol. Played some good games. I wasn't the aundience this time. No one really was, all took turns. The beetle was stuck to the leaf, he didn't wanna come off... I must've scared him a little. He was dying so maybe thats why he was stuck. When I came out of the squash court to let Alex and Kendrick play, I went to see the beetle and there were ants around it but when I touched him he moved a little. We walked home in the rain.
Fun squash and tennis day. Hehe. Go read Alex blog.. so funny what he wrote about the beetle and me.. hehe.
No one was at home, only my kakak and down syndrome uncle, mom at meeting until Saturday, grandparents in 5 star hotel for a few days in KL (jealous), Aunt working and cousins left for Johor because they have to pack and get ready because they are going to Korea tomorrow and they left me alone here... !! Just joking. One of her staff took my laptop so I guess I'll just have to use my moms comp until she comes home. I got the whole house and nothing to do exept hog the computer and stone all day. Oh well.... At least I'm gonna have a party soon!! :P

1 comment:

• Ã £ ë × • said... dats a lot of blogging :P i dun bother to colour the word or ma fan but i guess i shud :P