December 21, 2009
Its just another holiday
December 2, 2009
The beginning of the end.
November 23, 2009
My BFM 89.9 podcast!
November 18, 2009
November 9, 2009
The Mis-Adventure of Kadri And Rhonwyn
October 18, 2009

Now I want this one... (bottom) the final book of the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. Its supposed to be out in August in year, I see the name in MPH but not the book. D= If you know where to get it, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

October 17, 2009
First tag in a long time
a) how old are they?
b) where are they currently?
c) how long have you known them?
2. Alex - 15 - maybe playing tennis - since kindygarten
3. Shahidan - 15 - home - since Form 1
4. Reuben - 16 - anywhere - umm... maybe 3 to 4 years ago
5. Leon - 16 - biking maybe - since I was 8 and he was 9
Would You Rather...Party With 1(Nigel) or 5(Leon)?
Nigel... =D he's fun
Marry 2(Alex) or 4(Reuben)?
Hah... I have no idea.
Kill 3(Shahidan) or 5(Leon)?
I'm not a murderer.
Date 1(Nigel) or 2(Alex)?
Already got, lah.
Make Out with 1(Nigel) or 3(Shahidan)?
That depends.
Cuddle With 2(Alex) or 5(Leon)?
Both are teddy bear shaped. I know Leon would be really happy. =O
Have Kids With 3(Shahidan) or 4(Reuben)?
PUCCA!! (Pn Shoba and Shahidan will understand)
Live With 1(Nigel) or 3(Shahidan)?
Be Stuck on an Island with 2(Alex) or 5(Leon)?
Leon would be happy. XD
Trade Lives with 3(Shahidan) or 4(Reuben)?
I like my life.
Wake Up Next To 1(Nigel) or 5(Leon)?
Leon would be happy. XD
Completely Disown 2(Alex) or 4(Reuben)?
(A Few More Questions)
Has 3(Shahidan) ever hurt you?
Yes. But I can never get mad at him.
Have you ever hurt 4(Reuben)?
I don't think so.
Who's the funniest?
Can you beat up 5(Leon)?
Leon wouldn't be happy about that. =P
When is the last time you saw 2(Alex)?
Last day of PMR.
Who's the smartest?
Nigel is older so I guess he knows more.
How long have you known 5(Leon)?
For a loooong looong time.
What would you do if 1(Nigel) and 2(Alex) started...
Started what?
Who is 3(Shahidan) dating/crushing on?
Hahahahahahahah... to cute to tell. PUCCA!!
Does 2(Alex) smell good?
Sweaty. =O
Who will you still be talking to in 15 years?
Hopefully all of them.
Which in your top 5 is the nicest?
All are nice. =)
who has the better...[smile] -
Smile... hmm... I would say its Alex. =D
[body] -
er... neither! XD
[face] -
Shahidan. (he got nice facial hair) PUCCA!!
[attitude] -
All have nice personalities
[voice] -
Nigel. tank you. tinking of you.
[clothes] -
all are in school uniforms
I tag:
October 15, 2009
Celebrate the times come on!!!!
PMR is finally over!!
I'm happy, and I know everyone else is... so yeah. This post is a little late. Like my usual self, I'm busy. =P
And my laptop just crashed 2 days ago, the blue screen appeared. Hopefully all my memory isn't wiped out... or else I'll loose all my pictures and my beloved Photoshop. ='(
I must have got a virus from (someones) pendrive in the JU room on Wednesday. 'Cause after I plugged (someones) pendrive in, my com lagged. =O Then when I went home I turned my com on again and the blue screen came up. SO SADLAH. Hopefully the JU PC's don't get infected as well. or else we loose EVERYTHING. That would be a complete DISASTER. =O The editorial board is working hard this year, I know. 'Cause I see. =D
Plans for PMR???
I got stuff to do. I might even start a new blog but also keep this one. We'll see. My nieghbour asked me to teach him Form 1 stuff... he wants to get an early start. I could do that. Its only Form 1. =D And my mom found this Standard 1 Malay boy who goes to Puay Chai 2... and if the mom wants, I'll be teaching him Standard 1 Mandarin. LOL. Can you imagine that?? Me, teach Mandarin? Boy will my family be so proud of me, I always did so poorly in Mandarin, and now I'm could teaching it?? Heh.
I would LOVE to teach English... That would be so fun! I could use ExtraDiction to teach, besides things like Scrabble and Boggle, stuff like that. ExtraDiction is good 'cause there's a Junior Version as well as a Adult Version. Here's the Junior board.

The numbers are points and the exclamation marks are chances. It would take a while to explain, but go to the website!!
And if you want a demo on how to play, come over and I'lll teach you!!
October 12, 2009
Second Last Day of PMR and woohoo boohoo??
October 8, 2009
Second Day of PMR and alamak
Today's subjects were
English paper 1
English paper 2
Science paper 1
Science paper 2
2 out of the 3 A's I need to get into Science stream. =O
Ok, lets start from the beginning. Yesterday everyone predicted that the plot would come out for BM 2 bahagian D. But everyone was wrong.
Today hardy anyone studied English and no one at all made a prediction on what would come out for literature in Section C paper 2 English... wonder why? Maybe cause everyone learned their lesson from yesterday that predictions are not reliable, or maybe no one bothered because during English literature classes, our teacher could ask ANYTHING. =D (they asked about friendship. the best story and people to choose would have to be Dr Jekyll and Mr Utterson =O )
Then we had Science paper 1, which was very easy. Everyone thought so.
But then after an hour lunch break we went to take Science paper 2. Everyone was had a full belly, but the weather WAS HOT. And the paper was HARD. Everyone who took the paper thought it was hard. What to do?? No one was prepared anyway for the questions. And trust me, if everyone thought it was hard, then you have a chance to get an A for Science. Keep your hopes high, 'cause if everyone gets a bad score they will lower down the grade needed to get an A.
Good luck for Geo tomorrow.
October 6, 2009
First Day of PMR and a lesson
Yes, funny I should be blogging about it, especially this around this time. PMR isn't over yet, the first day was just over an hour ago for us. But today all of us learned a very important lesson.
Today's papers were BM 1 and BM 2. Then at 2 something the Melayu students had Agama.
Ok, after BM 1, we had a 20 min break. The school provided us with some food and a drink, (thank you PIBG), and while eating everyone was reading komsas notes. The prediction was that for Bahagian D, (novel question) they would ask us for the plot of the story Meniti Kaca( Form 1), Pahlawan Pasir Salak (Form 2), or Panas Salju (Form 3). Why did we predict they would ask the plot? Because we looked through the past year papers, they asked moral values before, theme, main characters... but the only thing left that wasn't asked was the plot. And thats what everyone thought, they will ask us to write the plot for either one of the stories. Little did we know how wrong we were.
Its like our English novel question. They could ask ANYTHING. Moral value, plot, main characters, synopsis etc etc... are the most common we see in revision books. But in PMR, ANYTHING could come out. "Name one character you would like to be friends with", "If you could change the ending of the novel what would it be", "Which character did you find the most interesting" etc etc. And no revision book can write down all the questions PMR could come out with.
Same thing here with the BM paper, its just that everyone was so sure that the plot would come out. One person would say so and that person will tell another person, and then the whole Form 3 starts reading about the plot, and only the plot.
So in the exam class, we were pretty confident about the novel question, and when we looked through the paper we realised... "uhh ohh..."
Instead of coming out with what everyone thought it would be, they asked something else. See... they can ask anything. Make you read something and then ask another. They asked only for the Form 2 novel, Pahlawan Pasir Salak, and thats the least favourite novel among the forms. The question was, give 3 examples for this moral value. And honestly, I didnt read the Form 2 novel... because, yes, I was so sure that they were gonna ask for the plot as well... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. How wrong we were.... how wrong we were.... sigh.
So now... the important lesson of today is
September 10, 2009
25 Days.
Honestly I don't think I'm THAT prepared... and there's only 25 more days... =P
After that its freedom! So off I go to study!
And I probably don't think I'll blog until PMR is finally over. So till then people!
July 28, 2009
Motivational? I don't think so.
Every Form 3 student has it. Its stuck on our desks on the top left. But what is it?
Its a piece of paper, with our exam scores stuck on it. So what is this supposed to do?
Its supposed to motivate us to do better in PMR. On it is written our scores for the past... 3 exams? And on the bottom, is the score they predict us to get in PMR for every subject. Its the score they PREDICT. And thats not really nice, 'cause I was predicted 1A, 3B's, 2C's and 1E. How sad. They think I'll get 1A, and 1E. @.@ What if I have higher expectations for myself? I want to get into Science Stream, and with a predicted 1A, I'm not gonna get in.
So this thing is here for us to see everyday when we walk into class, come back from classes, recess... etc. And one thing is, I can't see a thing on it. Thats why some of the subjects are highlighted in green in the top pic... and below, shows the desk view.
Its just a random piece of paper! I can't see a thing written on it! You call that motivational???
Here's my example of motivational.
We all should make one. Its more eye-pleasing than a white paper with numbers and their predictions of your scores. Use our favorite colours, designs and such and what we ourselves want to achieve for PMR. If your friends laugh if you write "I want 8 A's in PMR" but your actually a below-average student, its ok!! That means, those who laugh at you are either scared to write down "I want 8A's" as well, or they have no goals in life. Now paste this paper with YOUR goals on the top left of your table. Clear, big, bright letters. Something we can actually see every time we walk into class from recess, toilet, etc.
Now compare that with the one we all got. Which one seems more motivational to you?
June 22, 2009
Endings and Beginnings, Beginnings and Endings
The red dot is Brian. Now Brian's spot is on the right, as seen in this picture.
But today when we were on stage, row one came out the wrong way and Brian ended up standing on the left, like in this pic.
The SMKBU people sitting down were a bit... annoying. But what can we do? They were giving comments like "Translate into BM, I can't understand" or "I can't hear anything!" And the solutions to cure those problems?
Solution to problem 1. Speak and read more English.
Solution to problem 2. Don't talk when we're reciting our script!!
Overall I think we did really well considering the small amount of students who showed up.
Students who showed up for competition. Exclude the Form 5 members and Simone who changed school last Friday. Now compare to the amount who showed up.
Taa daa... Big difference isn't it?
I'm so proud of those who still had the spirit for Choral Speaking and showed up. And I know Mr Eugene is proud of you guys as well. To those who didn't come without a reason..... My message to you...
It means something, that "haha" up there, you just gotta know what it means.
Message to all members:
Choral Speaking is about the team, and your small little flame of passion for Choral Speaking will make a big difference. It makes us as a team shine even brighter when we recite our script. A dead flame among us is noticable.
If there is another upcoming event that requests Choral Speaking, I hope that everyone has a small flame of passion.
But if no more events, this is the end of our Choral Speaking journey this year, an ending, but a bright new beginning next year when we go back for competition, high hopes of winning the top. But also knowing that we have won in our hearts, as a brightly lit team.
June 17, 2009
Left side
These were candid so no... I didn't know they were taken with my own camera. =P
And in other news,
This little guy I found in one of the sinks in school. He was drowing in water so I rescued him. XD
Shahidan freaked out when I brought him to class... Don't know why they're scared of bugs. This guy is harmless...!
But in the end I relieved Shahidan off a little of his fears and we named him Ringo Star... 'cause he's a "Bettle" XD. I wanted to name hin George Harrison but then Ringo Star seemed to suit better. He flew away after a while. Wonder why he didn't do that earlier...
June 16, 2009
New Semester
The first week is always one of the busiest 'cause we all gotta catch up on things we missed and have to finish doing that we didn't do during the holidays eg. Sejarah project. HA.
Its gettin' closer to PMR as well... and no I'm not looking forward to that... but after its done everything will be better. =D
And other than that... I guess most stuff will still be the same. =D
To all SMKBU people,
If your looking forward to the next holiday just remember its a few more months left and after that its a new year and we repeat everything once again! Haha.
I mean, everything is going to be ok. If you are stressed over problems just know that your not the only one ot there who is stressed. =P Remember, a locksmith would never manufacture a lock without a key, same goes that God won't create problems without solutions. =D
Happy not holidays! Welcome back to school everyone!
June 3, 2009
An honest post about Teachers Day '09
About 2 weeks ago we celebrated Teachers Day!! *yay* *claps*
And no I will not post any pics up but I will make a short description about Teachers Day. In fact, I could describe it in one word,
April 28, 2009
Watch these...
My embedding isn't working somehow...
So to click and watch is a bit of a hassle, but in the end, its worth!! =D
April 21, 2009
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Sorry the embedding didin't work for this vid...
There's a saying that First impressions are important.
When we firs meet someone, we judge them by looks. The way they dress, walk, talk, sit, blah blah blah. But sometimes, first impressions can be wrong,
You see someone dressed professional, looks professional and acts professional. You think that they have achieved high in life. Think again. They might not be what you see.
Someone might look scraggy in a pair of jeans and old shirt, messy hair, doesn't look professional. And your first thought about them is, "I don't think he's ever achieved anything in life. He looks like a failure," but think again. That person might be someone much brighter than the professional one you met earlier. They just don't look professional, but they just might are.
Take a look at the video, whats your first impression about her? She can't sing... she's just there to make a fool of herself. Thats what most might think. But she has proved those people wrong. Look at the audience in the video... they do, think that she is nothing. But in the end, its a different story.
A big wake up call. Never judge a book by its cover. 'Cause when you only look at the cover, you will never know what good there is inside.
Happy 19th Birthday Nigel! =D
April 15, 2009
Yesterday I went to Popular to shop. Yeah, to shop.... For lots and lots of stationary...
Yeah, why?
Heartless people. Steal stuff for the fun of it. My calculator, all my pens and just EVERYTHING that I had in my pencil box just disappeared. Its costly to buy everything back... and buy my Stabilo pens again, 'cause the whole set costs about 50 bucks something... and I don't think they even sell the whole set anymore. *sob*
How can they do such a thing as to steal someones pencil case... someones tools that they use in class, all gone.
At least some action is being done about this... Mr Eugene is gonna spot check 1 Yakin and see if there's anything they can find. I couldn't really identify who saw me outside the library, but I had a good idea who when I looked at the Yakin students. I doubt they would find all my pens back, but my calculator might be easy to find 'cause I used permanent marker on it... like 5 layers, so whoever tries to erase it off is gonna have a hard time.
And another way to prevent librarians from having their stuff stolen is to bring their pencil case inside the library, or better, have the school move the bag shelf inside the library than have it outside where no one can see them.
And all students should mark their pens and pencils with your initial on it or something like that. DON'T USE PEN. IT WILL FADE. USE A BLADE AND CARVE ON IT. Better to be safe than sorry. (would you rather keep your pens dirt free and scratch free and someone comes along and takes it, or have a mark on your pens and prevent them from being stolen?)
Wish we had lockers in school, it would make so much more sense. And we wouldn't have to carry so much junk books in our bag, 'cause sometimes a teacher asks you to bring a book, and that teacher ends up not coming, or one subject could have 6 different books and you carry them all the way to school and teacher doesn't even use them. Makes more sense to put them all in a locker. We don't have a big population anyway.... yeah yeah... its costly.
If the ministry can use millions to give us all free texts books, then their next step might as well be to reduce the useless amount we bring to school everyday.
Keep your stuff safe.
March 26, 2009
We're back in!!
The main reason for this post.
Mr Eugene called me at 11 something in the morning and he told me the awesomemest news... The news that the entire Choral Speaking team was looking forward to. We made it into the next round!! =D The organizer reconsidered letting us go in for the next round... Yeeehawww...!!!!!!
But they still wanna keep to their rule that Form 5's aren't allowed for the competition at all... which means we gotta change some of the solo parts, and Ming Yue, our conductor is no more conductor... And thats why Mr Eugene called me. I got promoted to be conductor!! =D I asked him on Sports Day that I would like to be conductor next year, so maybe thats why...
So happyness is all over. I think it was Pn Shoba who also saved us. She was the one who called the organizer... Thanks Pn Shoba... =)
And to Mr Eugene.... we will not disappoint you!!!
March 25, 2009
Zon Damansara Choral Speaking Comp.
The big happy family. =)
March 12, 2009
Behold our latest installment in SMK Bandar Utama. A thing that all guard posts have. But why do WE need one in the school???
If you look closely, theres no rope that holds the tip of this ... thing to make it go up and down. Its sustained with a stick. Whats the point of having this if its not gonna move?!?!?
Its just ... THERE. Whats the puspose of having this anyway... aren't the school gates good enough?? Why spend money on useless things like this in school?? Do you know that there are many other usefull things the money can be used for?
Lets take a look....
Lo and behold our beautiful basketball court. This hasn't been repaired for what... almost 3 years or more? Its BROKEN! Fix this up... then our school basketballers will be happy that finally something is done with the basketball court.
March 10, 2009
Seven Pounds

March 5, 2009
NIE Workshop 2009
We started with one short presentation on the rules and regulations, the theme and what we should do. Our second presentation was about how to create your mini magazine. This year's is different from last year.
Last year we had to make a poster on the given theme. This year we are making a mini magazine. The theme this year is Teenage Angst. So what we have to do is make a cover page, and 2 content pages. 3 page magazine. No more no less. And with that you will get a personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut. To upgrade your voucher to a regular pizza, you would have to submit 2 mini magazines on 2 different topics of teen angst. Andddd...................... You will have to submit a 3 minute video. A 3 minute video about teen angst. At the end of the workshop we had to make a draft of our mini mag. We didn't win but whatever lahh...
After that there was food, but we decided not to eat there 'cause it was to crowded, and since we were one of the last people out, the food might have been gone. So we scooted out and went to Subang Parade for Mc Donalds!!! Subang Parade... now thats a place I remember. We had our NST Spelling Bee there!!
After that we went back to school...
Pn Afni said that the 3 of us might have to conduct a mini workshop for those in SMKBU who want to participate... its kinda complicated this year as well...
Hope that works out.... so thats the end of another post!!
February 28, 2009
Doodling Helps Boost Your Memory
Here's a paragraph...
"If someone is doing a boring task, like listening to a dull telephone conversation, they may start to daydream," study researcher Professor Jackie Andrade, of the School of Psychology at the University of Plymouth, said in a news release issued by the journal's publisher. "Daydreaming distracts them from the task, resulting in poorer performance. A simple task, like doodling, may be sufficient to stop daydreaming without affecting performance on the main task."
For the experiment, a two-and-a-half minute listing of several people's names and places was played for test subjects, who were charged with writing down only the names of the people said to be attending a party. During the recording, half the participants were asked to simultaneously shade in shapes on a piece of paper without attention to neatness. Participants were not told they were taking part in a memory test.
When the recording ended, all were asked for the eight names of those attending the party as well as eight place names mentioned in the audio. Those asked to doodle wrote down, on average, 7.5 names and places, while those who didn't doodle listed only 5.8.
"In psychology, tests of memory or attention will often use a second task to selectively block a particular mental process," Andrade said. "If that process is important for the main cognitive task, then performance will be impaired. My research shows that beneficial effects of secondary tasks, such as doodling, on concentration may offset the effects of selective blockade."
In everyday life, Andrade said, doodling "may be something we do because it helps to keep us on track with a boring task, rather than being an unnecessary distraction that we should try to resist doing."
So next time you are having Sejarah class or any other subject that involves listening to teacher for the whole hour....
February 26, 2009
Can you see...?

February 25, 2009
Its another end of a month
And Tired
February 8, 2009
The Cast Of Spongebob Photoshopped.