June 16, 2009

New Semester

Holidays are over and a new semester begins. And its gonna be a hectic/fun/stressful/awesome/woohoo/omg/yeehaw/arrggghh/supercalafragalisticexpialadocious semester.

The first week is always one of the busiest 'cause we all gotta catch up on things we missed and have to finish doing that we didn't do during the holidays eg. Sejarah project. HA.

Its gettin' closer to PMR as well... and no I'm not looking forward to that... but after its done everything will be better. =D

And other than that... I guess most stuff will still be the same. =D

To all SMKBU people,

If your looking forward to the next holiday just remember its a few more months left and after that its a new year and we repeat everything once again! Haha.


I mean, everything is going to be ok. If you are stressed over problems just know that your not the only one ot there who is stressed. =P Remember, a locksmith would never manufacture a lock without a key, same goes that God won't create problems without solutions. =D

Happy not holidays! Welcome back to school everyone!


1 comment:

Sahaniza said...

What a wonderful insight! I'll remember that every time I feel depressed. Welcome back to school but we never miss the water till it's gone. Cough!
All the best in your PMR! My friends and I used to call it 'PMS' due to emotional roller coaster it could cause but the male students hated the term, of course.