November 23, 2009

My BFM 89.9 podcast!

Haha YEAH!

I did a book review on BFM 89.9, the business station for UNICEF Children's Day on 20th November 09.
How did I get in? Hahaha, connections-mah.

So anyway the book review was about Mitch Albom's book, For One More Day.

And the book review itself? Click here.




.::zWe!::. said...

Hey, I've heard abt ur book review...awesum stuff..
n u mite wana get ur hands on Mitch Albom's Tuesday With Morrie.. It's slightly similar with 'One More Day'.

- Angie - said...


Chester Chin said...

Rhonwyn your review was really good...and you sound great on radio! Hahahahah first time hearing your ang moh accent. Kudos!