November 14, 2007

Drum Circle Facilitators Training (Day 2)

I wore my nice black Drum Circle Facilitators Shirt... so did my dad. I had to do drum call at 8.30 am. Drum call is.... to put it in a simple way.. one person who starts everybody drumming, and that only person who goes into the middle of the circle to facilitate for a period of time... And Arthur selected me yesterday, so I was put into the TRAP.. HELP!! I never did drum call before so I was really exited...

Arthur breifed me that I should first be Dictator.. (the noob level, hehe), then Director ( 2nd noob level.. haha), then Facilitator ( <> Those pics up there are the finger dance... what a finger dane is you and another person pair up and youre fingers touch.... Person A leads.. then person B... then guadually.. both person A and B lead together... It was really cool.. hehe

I started to fall in love with one of the drums. My dad has one of them, and the whole day I just kept playing that drum. Its a green REMO nesting drum (part of the Arthur Hull designed drum kit.... {poses} tada....). A nesting drum, is a drum that nests.. you know... like those dolls that can go into one another... these drums can to!! They have 2 sides, so if you pull of one of the heads one drum can supply 2 people... Yeap. So I fell in love with the green one. It had a great sound and I loved it... I could play it nice and loud... yay!!!

After we finished the days training it was 5.00 pm. Those who wanted to go home could go home, those who wanted to stay and have a half hour drumming session WITHOUT someone facilitating were welcome to join. And that half hour was great, no one was in the middle facilitating us so we were free to just drum... all of a sudden we started to collapse.. all the good drummers were making it hard for the not-so-good drummers to cope. Those who couldn't cope were just hitting their drum looking around... hehe... . The good drummers were playing really loud rumbles ( you know what a rumble is right??? Like a drum roll....) I couldn't rumble that fast like my dad can but I could cope and play fast...

Arthur stopped us and said that we had just experienced a number of transition points, which means the rythm changes because maybe a few drummers started going crazy and drummed really loud or really fast and people start following them and some can't cope, like what I explained just now... We went home.. and today was Billie and Uncle Brad's last day of the training because they had to go back to Singapore tomorrow.. haih.. So that means tomorrow I'll be the youngest participant. Billie is younger than me so she was the youngest the last 2 days... :D

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