November 27, 2007
Squash again!!
The four of us, Kendrick.. Josh... Alex and me... We walked all the way to the squash court in the rain.. We had umbrella's duh... We got to the squash court at exactly 10am. Kendrick and me played first. Kendrick has never played squash before so I had to teach him the basic la... rules.. so on. We did the practice round first then he asked me how to play a squash game. So on his first time playing squash he already wants to play a game. zzz.. omg, he beat me!!! He beat me his first time playing... so geng wan!!
He played second game with Alex, and of course, Alex beat him. I played next with Alex, and he beat me. Joshua was reading... and when we asked if he wanted to play he didn't want to. Finally we pushed Joshua into the court and he played one game with me... and then Alex went in and played with him. Me and Kendrick were singing Christmas songs outside. Jingle bells, jingle bells... You'd better watch out, you'd better not cry... you'd better not pout I'm tellin' you why.. Santa Claus is coming.. to town..
Alex and Joshua were still playing. Me and Kendrick started planning a Christmas party. For Form 1's only lol... Our Puay Chai 2 friends and some SMK BU friends. We made a list of who we wanted to invite. Then we made a list of what we're gonna do..... And we have it at my place... :P
We planned that we could either ask everyone to bring a present or a dish. Or maybe even both. And if we have it night time then we just might as well bring a dish.. have dinner. But its Christmas... and we like presents to.... might as well bring both... cause if we all only bring a present.. I'll be standing in the kitchen for a long time. Haha. I'll make a pasta salad. Just throw in some veggies and pasta.... maybe some beans and dressing. Taadaa.. a nice salad.
Alex and Joshua joined in the planning but they weren't really helping. LOL. Joshua left before us. Kendrick, Alex and me still played. We left at 2.. so we had... 4 hours of squash?? Or maybe just 3.. or 3 half. Cause we were planning a party... hope it does turn out!!
November 25, 2007
Hair Cut!!!
I got my hair cut somewhere is SS2 I think... I forgot.. haha. Its was for a charity drive for the orphanage called Yellow House. I've done a Christmas gathering for them last year. But now its just to support them and get a hair cut. Haha.
November 23, 2007
Anyway, Went to play squash yesterday with Alex, Joshua and Sunita. I woke up late anyway so I was a bit in a rush. My mom's staff kept pushing me here and there.... they don't even know how on turn on my mom's computer!! OMG!!!!! Why can't they find the button??? All you have to do is push it!! 2 of the staff kept saying "teach us la....." Teach you how to turn on a computer... uh....... -.-
I walked to Sunita's house and rang the doorbell and went inside... "Are you ready?" I asked. "Nope...." hiah.... So I left her to wear her shoes and woke Joshua up. He wasn't ready either, so I left him and went to Alex's house. I knew he would be awake... LOL. Teri barked at me and then went back into the house. Alex came out and we all 4 went to play squash...
Alex won Joshua. Alex won me. Then the 2 guys went to the tennis court. I played a game with Sunita. She's still noob 'cause this is her 3rd or 4th time playing squash... haha. She, somehow, accidentally whacked me with the squash ball, right in my stomach. Owch... She whacked it hard wieh... She gave up and Alex came down. I played a game with him.
We lost track of the score. We stoped until we finally noticed that Joshua was gone. We went to the toilets and the tennis court so we figured he'd went home 'cause Alex won him in tennis. Haha... Alex and me continued to play and I beat him... we lost track of the score but it was easy to tell that I beat Alex cause he missed my shots a lot and I was surving a lot.... not sure if I exceeded 9 though. xD
Sunita also wanted to go home... she got bored and she didn't wanna continue to play either. Only me and Alex wanted to play... But we left anyway.. for the sake of Sunita's boredom and the fact that we were using her squash ball and she didn't wanna walk home herself...
So uh.... came home and studies the whole day... I can't belive I actually studies the whole day... OMG... wow. I fell asleep on my desk at about 5... Woke and ate dinner, watch movie.
November 21, 2007
MCR live in KL!!!
And I'm going!!! Whoho!! Since me and my dad both earned 200 ringgit from the PWTC drumcircle, we used 100 ringgit each to buy a ticket for MCR. Each ticket cost 103 ringgit, for free seating area. The free standing area is just not right. If I got a place there I woudln't be able to see the concert going on.... (since I'm so short)...
I can't wait till Dec. 9 hehe... Its gonna be so cool. My first concert!!
November 20, 2007
Drumcircle at the Curve!!!
Pulling out someone to play.
Then I facilitated again. I made everyone stop and pulled out a few people to play. Then everyone play agian.
My dad facilitated to... They all liked what my dad did... He made the beat really soft... and stoped it by clenching his fist so as if the beat was in his hand. Then he threw an imaginary thing into the air and made everyone do a rumble (drumroll). Everyone laughed....
Dad threw imaginary something into the air... (everyone smiling)
When that was over... everyone was having to much fun to stop. But sorry... they had to leave... This was one of the best public circles we have done yet... really had a lot of fun... And Serena C was there to!! :P Got to meet her and get her autograph... yay!!
November 16, 2007
Putra World Trade Centre Dum Circle... WOW
H- Health &
A- Asian
In short form this is called WHAT Medicine... Sounds cool.. WHAT Medicine... I set my phone alarm last night to ring at 5. am this morning. I set the volume to ring the loudest and I chose the best ringtone that would wake me up... At 5... Unfortunately I coulnd't wake up.. not when I slept at 12 last night.. thats only 5 hours of sleep... Actually 5 hours of sleep is enough for me... If I go to school the next day la.. because I got friends who can wake me up in school by making me jump around everywhere....!!! YAY!!!
My dad came to pick me up at 6.30 in the morning.. Thats why I TRIED to get up at 5.00... And I like to get up 1 hour early for no reason.. (yeah.. you all think I'm CRAZY!!!) I got to check my inbox... last night my aunt was sending all the jokes from her inbox into my inbox.. and she got like... over 20 of them so I ask her to send 10 one acc and 10 another acc.. like that la... later my inbox blow up!! So hotmail got 36 messages.. lol... haven't got that many in a while!!
At Putra World Trade Centre.. my dad and me unloaded all the drums... and he went to park the car... came back with one of the officials who had a trolley so we put all the drums on the trolley anx d off we went into the PWTC for the drumcicle.
I was really nervous becasue this is an important conference and I'm actually doing a drumcircle for them...
The hall was called Tun Hussien Onn Hall 1. Inside was really nice. The lights were very nice and it was really COLD!!! Thank goodness, I was dressed in Indian clothes.. you know, the pants.. blouse and scarf that goes over your neck... lol so I could keep warm with the scarf. The VIP panel had a great big yellow chair with a fancy-fancy yellow cusion and 2 lower armchairs on both sides. I asked my dad who got the big yellow arm chair and he said...........
OMG!!! SHE WAS GONNA BE THERE!!!! I GOT TO MEET THE SULTANA OF PAHANG!!!!! Wow. I'm so speechless because how many people my age at 13 get to meet the Sultana of Pahang in PERSON and actually perform infront of her.....?? Wow.
When she entered the hall I was so amazed.. She was really pretty in red. Red Baju Kurung and red high heels. Her hair was really nice... I was really amazed. She was prettier than I had expected her to be. Serious. The opening ceremony was a few speeches.. and then the MC announced the highlight for the Opening ceremony.. the Drumcirlce. My dad said that anyone could come in and play an instrument. I just stood there. I was gonna invite the Sultana herself to come in and join but I didn't know how was the best way too. We did the drumcircle and thr Sultana was sitting at the edge of her seat watching us. I was sooo sooo tense before I got into the circle... I couldn't stop shivering from the cold and all the people watching me... after I facilitated I felt like a big heavy school book just got lifted out of my bag...
The Sultana left... she only stayed for the Opening Ceremony. Since shes the one who launched this 2 years back... During tea-break me and my dad got a lot of good compliments and he also got some business cards handed out.
Stayed for the talks... During lunch break me and my dad set the drumcircle for 42 people. The one for the Opening Ceremony was only for 20 people.
We went to eat lunch at Kenny Rogers... the food that was served for this event was ok... but there wasn't a seat left for us when we came into the dining hall 'cause we had to set up the drumcircle...
After lunch me and dad stayed in the Pahang room and drank tea because we didn't wanna go in the Tun Hussien Onn Hall because it was so cold!! I drew Hello Kitties and arrows and alphabets and read a book because there was nothing else to do..
Finally we went back in in time to hear a little bit of the last speech. My dad was next and he did his speech with his presentation. And his presentation was unlike the rest today. His had a lot of graphics... pics.... and he had some funny things to say. My dad also got the most questions asked after his presentation and speech.
Next off was the last drumcircle of the day... Everyone participated because they saw the morning one and liked it a lot. When I say everyone from the conference participated I mean everyone from the conference.. all the chairs were empty. We had just right 42 people who still stayed for the rest of the days conference. I facilitated in the circle and so did my dad. (duh!!)
Me marking the pulse
Dad facilitating
Everyone was having a good time. The only problem was (ahem*)... they were all messed up..
The people .........
some played really fast and some didn't know what to do. Hahaha... Dad marked the pulse (beat, whichever) and everyone started to understand... Finally we finished the drumcircle... Everyone had a great time and my dad also got a lot of business cards. We packed and left...
So today was over... we celebrated by watching TV and having lemon sole fish, bak choy and rice for dinner. Dessert was Magnums!! Yay!!
November 14, 2007
Drum Circle Facilitators Traning ( Day 3/ Last day)
I wore last years Drum Circle Facilitators Training Malaysia, 2006 shirt. Lol. First day my dad wore his, yesterday one of the dudes named Bill wore his and today I wore mine. And yesterday many people came up to me asking " Is John your father??" and some would come walk up to my dad and ask " Is Rhonwyn your daughter??". Don't know why they would ask only yesterday and not the first day... maybe because me and my dad both wore the same black shirts yesterday...
Jump time was great... Jump time is.... a period of time where anyone can go into the circle and facilitate... Anyone. And it was really funny because I think it was Tammy... she made 4 of the girls stand up and hula dance, then made the rest of us drum. Another one.. I forgot who did... made all the guys stand up and (no she didn't ask them to hula dance) do the show-your-mussels thing... that as really funny...
And Tammy again... did a Meredes. She sculpted us into 3 groups like a Mercedes logo has the 3 line thinggys.. she made Arthur continue to play his little percussion instument. First group had to keep repeating "We".. second group had to keep repeating "Love" third group had to keep repeating "Arthur". So what do you get?? We love Arthur... And Arthur had a funny expression.. he kept showing his teeth.. like a fake smile. Hehe I love jumptime..
Since today was the last day of the training, we had our closing/graduation ceremony. Giving of certificates to the now certified drum circle facilitators and giving of string to Arthur. He collects string from every participant that takes part in his training wherever he goes. This is was my second string given to him. Once his ball of string is big enough, it goes into his mother ball, the big ball from ever since he started his world tours for Drum Circle Facilitating.
After that.... we had to learn our little secret thing... Only drum circle people know this.. so I'm not tellin ya... hehe.
Not over yet... we still had the Community Drum Circle where everyone is invited.. if you have been drumming before or not, you're still invited. So those who graduated could facilitate today... I did (duh)... not everyone did but some did.
So.. this years training is now over. I feel great after this training and my biggest learing was Smile more when you're in the middle of the circle and when you're drumming. My other biggest learing was KISS... (Keep it stupidly simple) meaning whatever you do in the circle, keep it simple....
Drum Circle Facilitators Training (Day 2)
Arthur breifed me that I should first be Dictator.. (the noob level, hehe), then Director ( 2nd noob level.. haha), then Facilitator ( <>
I started to fall in love with one of the drums. My dad has one of them, and the whole day I just kept playing that drum. Its a green REMO nesting drum (part of the Arthur Hull designed drum kit.... {poses} tada....). A nesting drum, is a drum that nests.. you know... like those dolls that can go into one another... these drums can to!! They have 2 sides, so if you pull of one of the heads one drum can supply 2 people... Yeap. So I fell in love with the green one. It had a great sound and I loved it... I could play it nice and loud... yay!!!
After we finished the days training it was 5.00 pm. Those who wanted to go home could go home, those who wanted to stay and have a half hour drumming session WITHOUT someone facilitating were welcome to join. And that half hour was great, no one was in the middle facilitating us so we were free to just drum... all of a sudden we started to collapse.. all the good drummers were making it hard for the not-so-good drummers to cope. Those who couldn't cope were just hitting their drum looking around... hehe... . The good drummers were playing really loud rumbles ( you know what a rumble is right??? Like a drum roll....) I couldn't rumble that fast like my dad can but I could cope and play fast...
Arthur stopped us and said that we had just experienced a number of transition points, which means the rythm changes because maybe a few drummers started going crazy and drummed really loud or really fast and people start following them and some can't cope, like what I explained just now... We went home.. and today was Billie and Uncle Brad's last day of the training because they had to go back to Singapore tomorrow.. haih.. So that means tomorrow I'll be the youngest participant. Billie is younger than me so she was the youngest the last 2 days... :D
Drum Circle Facilitators Training ( Day 1)
If I tell everything we did for todays training.. I'm not sure many of you would understand whats drum call.... whats call and response and stuff like that. Before we went home after the first day, Arthur said to me "thank you for volunteering for tommorrows drum call" In my mind I was like "what??" I didn't volunteir for drum call.... but Arthur says I have to do drum call so I do... I never did drum call before so its a great chance to practice my facilitating skills.!!!!
November 12, 2007
Drum circle training !! Whoho!!

Hah... there we are... The logo..... Now lemme ask you.. how many arrows do you see?? 4... nope. 6? nope... Answer is 8.. hehe... If you don't see 8 arrows.. look at the arrows pointing out (white arrows) and the ones pointing in (black arrows)... I don't really get what the logo means.. but its something like Which came first? The chicken or the egg...?? Do the drummers accompany the dancers or do the dancers accompany the drummers?? The answer is YES. If you get the meaning.. good. We picked up the shirts from this guy who makes them. (duh). Me and my dad went back home and we eagerly took out a shirt each .. My dad got his on first.. I was lazy to put mine on... They seriously look great... the only problem was, the back of the shirt. My dad gave the guy last years T-shirt as a model for this years shirt. And when my dad asked me to read the back of the T-shirt what it said, it said Drum Circle facilitators training, Malaysia 2006. All of a sudden my dad's happy expression was so shocked... "does it really say 2006??????" "yeah dad" and we both had the same word in our heads "SHUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My dad called the guy and asked for all the shirts re-ordered... Terrible.. haiz... those really looked great, just for that silly mistake my dad has to re-order all 20-30-40 something shirts... and He'll have to mail it to all the participants because they won't be done for a week.. haiya.. terrible, terrible, terrible..
I have nothing to do... And during holidays means that I get to blog more but nooo.... I can't/don't.... Why?? I don't know either...
Lols... soo uh.... just to wish everyone a happy holiday ya... ok... uh.. nothing else...