September 19, 2008

Tagged by Julian!!

1. Six people to tag.

- Alex!! (HAHA!!)
- Jeanne Tanne... (I tagg-ne you)
- Junmeyeehhh
- Chloe (I tag euuuhh for the first time!!)
- Shahidan =O I'll be the first person to tag you!! Do it do it!
- Anyone who want to do it lohhh... lols

2. Six things I'm passionate about...

If this means the 6 things I like... ummm....ahhhh

- My guitar
- My diary =@
- My beloved friends
- My wonderful family
- Books
- umm... school?? Yeah I know I know !! Its weird! Never mind! xD

3. Six things I say TOO often...

- Whatever lah...
- Hahahaha (sarcasticly)
- Aiya!!/ Shucks!!/ Walao eh!
- You ah...
- Shaddap lah
- Woo...!! (while dancing around)

4. Six books I've Read recently...

- Twilight
- New Moon
- Sahdowmancer
- Shadowmancer "Curse of Salamander Street"
- Tuesdays with Morrie
- The 5 people you meet in Heaven

5. Six songs I can Listen to Again and Again

- Swear It Again (Westlife)
- InnerTalk "Strees Relief" (The CD said to play it again and again for stress relief...)
- One World One Dream (Wang Lee Hom)
- Breathless (Shayne Ward)
- Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger (Daft Punk)
- umm... theres more... but these are just some... lol

6. Six Things I learnt in the Past Year

- New English words on one example is FUNGIBLE. Look it up.
- Some things are not meant to be rushed
- If I'm given the chance to do something I must do it well
- How to take pictures with better angles
- How to make cookies with my dad =D
- hha... I'm not sure these are really LEARNINGS...but if they are here they are.

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