Went to the same hawker stall as yesterday, had chicken rice again.....
First we went to the bird park, saw penguins, flamingo's, talking parrots, and alot more. We also got to ride on a sort of train that took us around the bird park. Bus B got to go first. Bus A had to wait. haha..Then we saw 2 bird shows, the first one had a bird named Hazel, MY gosh....if they added a "nut" to the Hazel, it would be Hazelnut, my nickname, lol... The second bird show we saw 2 birds, a boyfriend and a girlfriend pair of parrots. Amirah and Amigo. They sang a song for us. So cute.
Then we went to the Singapore Zoo. At the entrance some girls were asking us to join Club NatGeo, so I did, and we got a free polar bear book mark too. Haha. The Zoo isn't that smelly, good. There was a polar bear that was going to be 16 ye
In the bus our teacher told us that we would be going shopping next at China Town. All the stalls that sell the cheap and good stuff. We were doing a Christmas gift exchange so if we wanted to take part we had a buy a present 3 $ and below. Most people got keychains. And we did get some souveneirs for ourselves......we shopped for a half hour, then went back to the bus. Went to eat dinner, and this time we were served nd had to finsih everything. Haiz.............
Then we went to Ochard Road, the display of Christmas lights.......So BEAUTIFUL!!! lol. But we didnt stay there long because there were alot of people and our teachers were afraid we would get lost. While waiting for our bus to come, our teacher made us sing "We wish you a erry Christmas" infront of the whole crowd of people in Ochard Road....... And then....there was a News Paper reporter who took our pictures!!! Wow....... We are history!!! The reporter said we would apper in the News Paper tomorow, and Cikgu Chin would put it up in the school website, lol. Got to hotel, this is our last night so we had to pack up. Tomorow we are leaving early.
Went back to hotel, this is our last night so we had to pack up.....time really flew by fast.....wow
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