Yesterday I went to watch Eragon with my Ahyi. Before we left I tried to b
ook tickets for the movie incase there was a long line of people who are also trying to get tickets to watch Eragon.... I just HAD to watch this show since I read the book, lol. After about 3 min of pressing the numbers on the phone, they said no tickets.....Aiyo.....In the car I was cursing all the traffic lights that were green, the changed to yellow, and then to red...... Then back to green......

We still had 1 hour and 30 min until the next show started, but I was in a a rush incase of the long lines, my Ahyi told me to relax....no rush, surely got tickets.....
We were lucky 'cause when we entered the parking lot, we found a good spot right away, and its not often this would happen in a crowded shopping mall.
While we were heading to the highest floor (which is the cinema), I was walking really fast, but not running, incase, again, if there would be a long line. When we reached, aaaaaa....the line was so SHORT!!! Phew..........Now all we need to worry is about seats. And yes, we got great seats. We still had another half hour, so I bought ice-cream. Went into the cinema and sat down.....
20 min of comercials.....just get on with the movie. When it finally started I was so exited....
So the movie went on....and then what made me wonder was WHY, WHY, WHY did all the important things that were in the book, they didn't show in the film??? I couln't believe it.......In the movie I was expecting the next part the way it was in the book, but noooooo, it went on to almost like, the next chapter!
When the movie was over, I was sooooooo happy that I finally got to see Eragon, but also a little upset because of all the good stuff they didn't put into the movie.