March 10, 2008


Well.... today was finally here where I go to the hospital and do Endoscopy. Endoscopy is... having a tube with a tiny little camera attached to it go down into your throat and to the stomach, in my case was to see WHAT could possibly be the CAUSE of my gastric problems. I had to fast from 12 midnight last night. No food, no water. And I couldn't eat in the morning either. Absolutely nothing.

When me and my dad were walking to the 4th floor (die!), I was calm. But then we sat down and I got butterflies in my stomach. How did they get in there???

I sat there just wondering what would happen to me. So many crazy thoughts... Do people die from Endoscopy?? I almost felt like crying. But... It was easy to convince myself that I was talking nonsense, no I wouldn't die and yes, everything will be just fine and yes... I was talking nonsense about people dying from doing an Endoscope.

Thank goodness I had my dad with me so I had someone I could talk to. My dad and I are both clowns... So I laughed and laughed at jokes the both of us told when we were waiting. That calmed me down.

Finally my name was called. (joyful music plays). We didn't wait long at all... One of the nurses asked me to take off my shoes. The good news was I didn't have to wear a stupid hospital gown.. YAY!! They gave me the coats that doctors wear. =D They asked me to lie down on the bed and they attached a sensor to my right middle finger to detect my heartbeat, heart rate... ba ba. I was bored so I wiggled my middle finger and the sensor went crazy. Buahhaha.... The nurse took it off.

I started talking to the nurses. They were all really nice. They asked me about school... baba. They even told me that 2 year olds and even babies a few months old have done Endoscopy... wow. Thats YOUNG!

My doctor was from Thailand... He and another nurse gave me an injection while another nurse kept me from looking at them injecting the sleepy thing into me. I wanted to see... but the nurse was like "No!! Look here!!" I slept ...

When the Endoscopy was half done I was semi-unconscious and I could see the doctors and nurses all around me. One looking at the screen, some controlling the camera, and I don't know WHAT happened. I think they sucked something out of me. Yeeesh. It was uncomfortable. I woke up right after and they lead me to a nice big chair. I recovered there. The Endoscopy was only like... 10 minutes, and it felt like an hour. Wow. Good thing I was asleep when they put the tube down my throat or that would've been REALLY uncomfortable. I would be coughing it out.

I was really drowsy on the chair. I have to admit I looked like a dope.

There I am!! Don't I look dopey?

The doctor talked to me and my dad. They tested me for bacteria, and it was negative. So the doctor said it was either a spicy food diet or stress. I don't have a spicy food diet, so... stress. I don't really know... I don't seem to be stressed. I mean, I'm a really happy person. Some people think I have some problem is school. I don't recall any. Whatever it is, I can't think about it. Maybe whats making me stress is trying to figure out what my stress is. Gah.

We got my medication, and we were off.

I'm so glad its over. Now I won't have to worry about a tube down my throat again. Whatever is causing my gastric, I hope it goes away. What a day.... its all over. We went out for lunch. It was great to have food and water in my stomach again.

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