March 29, 2008
Sports Day 2008
March 28, 2008
Good Old Disney
Disney movies! I love Disney movies. I was on Youtube the other day and I had nothing to search for... then Mulan crossed my mind. So for the next half and hour I was watching the songs from the movie. My dad saw and we tried to work the CD in the DVD player, and it worked!! Its been AGES since I saw Mulan.
I love Mulan. Shes my favorite Disney character and she will always be. She was the woman who saved China from the Huns and became a hero. She was such an inspiration for me to be brave and strong. I remember when I was about 7 years old I went jungle trekking with my mom, my long lost Junior Hash friends and their parents. I tripped and hurt my knee. Didn't bleed so much but boy was I sad... was almost about to cry, then my mom tells me that Mulan never cries.
So I got up and started walking again and didn't cry. And lucky me, it was my turn to write the kiddy report about that weeks Junior Hash and I wrote about that situation. It would've been nicer if the report got sent with colour... 'cause I took a long time to colour that picture of me with a cut knee (hey, that rhymes!!).
Anyway... like I said... I love Disney movies. The only problem is that Disney Channel isn't the way it used to be. Every night before a Disney Channel original movie, there would be the Disney Castle with the song "A whole new World" from Aladdin.
Now its dumb. Super-dumb. A bunch of kids jumping around with a song that repeats "Let's watch a Disney Channel movie.." over and over.
March 20, 2008
Post #123

Kinda small tho. If you wanna see it bigger I guess you'll have to look for me!!
I just realized....
Left: Mega Teens pill, fish oil pill, vitamin pill, doctor's pill..
thats a lot of pills nya. What to do??
New Chair!!
March 19, 2008
Over babeh!!
Holiday is over... duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh.......... -.-
Exam results are out. *gasp*
This term I did really bad.
Like, the worst ever. I've never failed so BADLY in my entire school life and I'm mad. I know, I know.... My fault. Kauchi hardly studies (close to never!!), so of course, she fails in exams.
Wow... I failed 3 subjects. Still dunno my BM score. Cik Salawati looked sad ( and MAD! ) when she was marking our BM papers.
I failed Chinese, Sejarah and Maths.
Chinese was the worst. 18% I have NEVER gotten 18%. Mannnnn, why so "cha" now?? -.-
Probably 'cause 1) I never study 2) I sleep in class... (stupid gastric!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Umm... maths..
Gezzz. 30% Yeah yeah.. bahagian B. Only 4 marks. ZzZzZzZz
And lastly... Sejarah.
I don't care who reads this and whatever you say... I'm gonna say it. I don't like my lan chao Sejarah teacher.. thank goodness Sejarah is only 3 periods a week. If it was as much time as we have for English or BM, I'd be dead by now. I seriously don't understand a word she's saying. I just sit there and hear her blab... yeap... BLAB.
Gezzz... I'm MAD. I don't like Sejarah and I don't really care for that subject.
Neither am I happy with my Science...zzzz
59...... 59!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG... One more mark and I get a B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! zzzz
This term seriously sucked. Stupiak exams...
BTW.. all I scored were E's, D's and C's with one A for English....
March 15, 2008
Go online to do your holiday homework!! nyeh nyeh nyeh
The Internet is finally fixed!! Whoot! Now we can all go online again!
So, the first thing I did when I got online was to do BM holiday homework. Yeap.
Cik Salawati gave us the assignment which was look for 50 synonym and antonym examples and copy them down into your holiday homework book.
March 13, 2008
Taggie by Shuannie
Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total 20 questions, then tag to 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1.) What was your dream when you were in your childhood?
- To be taller, I guess.
2.) Rainy days or sunny days?
- Depends
3.) Which do you like the most? Black or White?
- um... depends
4.) Who would you marry?
- I don't know... kinda early... don't you think?? =S
5.) Where is the place you would like to go most? Why?
- For a holiday...? Umm.. Somewhere overseas in Europe I guess....
6.) Who are you most afraid of losing?
- The people I love.
7.) When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do?
- Call Nicky. She told me to call her if ANYTHING happens. No matter what the time. Love ya Nicky!!
8.) What is the one thing you can never tire of?
- walking... breathing... talking... eating... sleeping... Everything that normal people do.
9.) Do you like mints?
- Love 'em!! But they make me sneeze like crazy!
10.) Till now, what is the moment that you regret most?
- Hmm... can't recall. But there in my brain somewhere...
11.) What are the requirements that you wish for your another half?
- My another half??
12.) Which type of person you hate most?
- Lala people.
13.) Favourite part of a song?
- Haha... umm... usually the chorus and the tune.
14.) Would you rather be someone else at this moment?
-At this moment?? Someone without a backache and who's house doesn't have lauya internet connection.
15.) If you could have 1 dream come true, what would it be?
- Gah...
16.) What will you do if the world ends tomorrow?
- Cry. Hug everyone.
17.) Who's your favourite cartoon character?
- Probably Spongebob.
18.) What do you think that is most important in your life?
- The people I love
19.)Describe your dream house.
- Um.... Spacious. Nice.
20.) Do you think you're perfect ?
- No one is perfect.
People I choose to tag: (nyeh nyeh nyeh)
1. Alex!!
2. Eugene!!
3. Jeanne!!
4. Joanne!!
5. Junmey!!
6. Jun Shern??
7. Sunita??
8. Umm... anyone who wants to do this.
C is for cookie
Lets see... first of all,
If anyone in Form 2 would be so kind enough as to tell me what holiday homework there is besides:
Please tell me. I believe there was more that I didn't get. =S
Thank you so much.
If thats all the homework we have, then silly me, and just ignore it.
Schools gonna start soon. I half want-to-go-back-to-school and half want-to-stay-at-home. Its kinda boring during the holidays... at least in school there's curricular activities from Tuesday-Friday to keep me occupied foe the afternoon. On the other hand I don't wanna wake up early at 6.30 in the morning and get gastric. Going to school with gastric is so annoying. You miss out a lot in a subject. Hopefully my gastric will BE GONE soon.
Well.... thats all for one post.
March 10, 2008
There I am!! Don't I look dopey?
The doctor talked to me and my dad. They tested me for bacteria, and it was negative. So the doctor said it was either a spicy food diet or stress. I don't have a spicy food diet, so... stress. I don't really know... I don't seem to be stressed. I mean, I'm a really happy person. Some people think I have some problem is school. I don't recall any. Whatever it is, I can't think about it. Maybe whats making me stress is trying to figure out what my stress is. Gah.
We got my medication, and we were off.
I'm so glad its over. Now I won't have to worry about a tube down my throat again. Whatever is causing my gastric, I hope it goes away. What a day.... its all over. We went out for lunch. It was great to have food and water in my stomach again.
March 7, 2008
I edited my first video!!!
This is the first video I ever edited... Hope you like it. =D
Its a video of some of the pictures I took in school. The song is by Backstreet Boys titled I Still.
March 6, 2008
Post 116 Last day of school
Umm.... and some pics of the rest of the day...
Emo and nerdy
March 5, 2008
Exams are over.... =D
Yay!! Exams are finally over and I can blog again!! (kisses computer screen) Not much to blog about though...
Exams were ok.... Sejarah was hard.... I tembak most of the questions. Maths was um.... not easy and not hard.... (does that make any sence?) English is always easy for me.... just one or two questions that made me confused. I bet I'll get at least 1 or 2 or 3 D's... A's maybe only one. We didn't have any objective for moral!! That made things hard.. dang. All were subjective.
Some pictures.
Harry Potter crashed onto our school canteen's roof!! See his broom?
Super Goh
Shhh... Agama students having their exam....