October 5, 2007

Back to a normal school day.. where did everybody go??

Today was to be a normal schooling day... last day of PMR... the Form 3 students are free... we're not really (I guess). I went to school at 11.30 and usually people don't come until 12.00 or 1.00 something like that... since its a Friday most students tend to get lazy after the week... in this case there was hardly any classes the whole week since it was PMR. When it was 12.00 there was still not many people and I thought "I guess everyones lazier today..."
Wushudao was quiet... the whole school seemed... abandoned... There was hardly anybody walking around... there was no Taekwondo in the hall... There were no morning students in the Form 2 classes talking... Its was like we came to school for Wushudao during the holidays or something... The canteen also looked empty.
Wushudao was like... OUCH... we did a lot and a lot of strecthing.. and the stretching involved Sir sitting on us. We gathered around Sir, someone voulenteers to be crushed and that person sits crossed legged..(something like that) and bend foward down......... down......... until your head touches the ground, and if it doesn't, Sir will come and sit on you. Most of us can't do it... not all the way but its better than nothing. I volenteered, and bended down, Sir asked me to relax.. I bended down.. not all the way, so Sir came to my aid and sat on me... I can't tell you how PAINFUL it was.. Sir is like.. 70 something more kg and I'm only 40 something. So Sir sits on me.. I breathe really hard and my whole face touches the ground and my nose is flat which made it harder to breathe. I get up and I fall... PAIN!!! Jessie cried because it was to painful for her. Li Syen got scared and didn't try. Abigail tried and she was ok for a while, then she colapsed. After Wushudao was over... I could barely walk. Seriously.

We lined up.. and then Pn.Lim announced that since there was not many students in school, 2 classes would have to share one classroom. So my class shared with Gigih. We went into Gigih's classroom and then Pn.Low told us that we won't really be doing anything the whole day since there weren't many students and we were sharing classes with different timetables.
So the whole day was doing nothing.
Today I bet was the worst attendance of the year. Can you belive that out of 31 students from 1 Gigih.. only 9 showed up for class?? The rest ponteng.. fuyohh... Out of 32 from my class, 21 showed up which is ok... but still a lot ponteng.. Lazy ppl these days.. *sigh.

Now my back really hurts from Wushudao today. But I have to say.. its good to stretch.. be flexible somehow.

1 comment:

Encik Hayat said...

OMG ur master is more ganas than mine LOL XD