February 15, 2007

Sports Day

Today was Sports Day.....same had to be there at 7.30am. Went to respective houses. First we did the same boring thing we always do during practice....senam diri, rehatkan diri, scoot luruskan barisan........bla bla bla. Then I saw that our captains had plastic bags in the front of the line. At first I didn't know what was inside....then I remebered what Mr. Eugene said about what we were supposed to wear for our groups....to get extra points for marching......something like that.
Red house wore the best on their heads........just a plain simpe red cap........so lucky. Blue and Green house was also ok. Blue house, for girls they had to wear that angel thingy on their heads and the guys got a worm shapped thingy on thier heads...Green house wore a green garlin on their heads.......something like that........AND, the worse of all 4 houses, yellow house. Our captain must think we are 5 years old!!!! The girls had to wear yellow cone hats like what the princesses wear in fairy tales. That was reallt stupid and there were these loooooong things hanging behind us...which obbiously made it hard to march when doing the senamkan diri thing. The guys had to wear these big cut-out crowns made from manila card. And they also wore a cape of some sort.
This was kinda embarrasing because everyone looked at yellow house and started lauging until their stomach's hurt. Even our principle laughed, not to mention the VIP's.
Marchig was under this hot sun which made our hats damp....lol.
Then we started all the races. I didn't win for my 100 metres. I think I got 4th or 5th...my teacher never told me. Lol..........
Bla Bla Bla.
Closing ceremonies started with all th cheerleaders from all 4 houses to give a performance. I dunno who did the best. I from my point of view, yellow house did the best. Prize giving ceremonies.......under the 12 o'cock sun........oh my gosh. I can tell I got a little sun burn. I look darker.......lol.
Went back home and I guess just did my usual stuff......I didn't take any afternoon nap after sports day and thats kinda weird 'cause usually after a big day at school, I fall asleep.
Well, wtv. Tomorow is a school day....better sleep now or else I'll be dead by the next day.


jun said...

Sports Day was fun, cos I didnt hafta march, and I didnt go for any events!

jun said...

lol... pain ar?