August 25, 2007

Dodo Tournament

I was awoken by my maid at 6.30 in the morning...I changed into my penguin clothes (Wushu Uniform), and then went downstairs for breakfast, I was the only one awake in the house, after my maid woke me up she went back to was 6.30 in the morning??

My aunt brought me to school and then I met my Dodo friend Paul and we walked to Czeintze's house. We left for Mutiara Shopping Complex and reached at 8.20.....

I was gonna go for know, the punching and kicking and more punching..?? Yeah, that. But in the end I couldn't go because Paul didn't bring his Wushudao black and red T shirt, I lent him mine...... :P. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to spar..because I dind't have enough money to buy the stupid mouthpiece to keep my teeth from falliing out when I spar, and also, I never sparred before so on Monday if I go to school, Pn Ang would get a shock...haha.

We registered and sat down....we practiced our Wushudao 2 moves and I still couldn't get them right..... We got these really cool badges that have the Wushudao logo on it. I feel like showing it off on Monday on my pencil box because if people come and borrow something from me (happens evryday) they would see it on my pencil box....hehe... (coughs) Anyway..

The Dodo started and we watched all the performing. The patterns were all about the same thing... Wushudao 2, Wushudao 3, Wushudao 4 and Wushudao 5.

Me and Chloe were so malu there because almost everyone was a higher belt than us... WAY higher. The highest belt colour that we saw people walking around in was Brown. Brown is 4 more belts to Black belt. And we felt malu because there were these Primary school kids who were about Standard 3 or 4... maybe even 2, and guess what belt colour they were?? GREEN, BLUE, PURPLE, ORANGE AND BROWN...!!! THAT IS SO FAR FROM US>>>>> Thats why we felt malu... because we are white belt. Well, sort of white belt, because we passed our grading test so we are yellow belt now, just without the certificates and the yellow belt itself.

I wasn't on stage long at all. Only about 30 seconds doing my thing....I was in the same group as Czeintze. Chloe and Jessie. And we did Wushudao 2. We had to finish all 21 steps in 21 seconds.

We sat there again.....watching the patterns being done....and we couldn't go out of the hall to anywhere exept the toilet.

At 12.30 we had food.....and the chicken was kinda hard, and we had plastic forks so my fork alm0st broke, thank goodness it didn't.

We sat there again........and then we had VIPs come...all the Wushudao students had to do horse riding stunts...single punch, double punch, double fist.....blah blah. We listened to the dumb speeches. I already read the speeches, they were all in the little booklet that came with the Wushudao badge.....

Sparring and pattern continued after the VIPs left. There was more food so I ate that. That was 6 pieces of kuih, 2 tuna croissants, 2 banana cake muffins, and 2 curry puffs.

Well, I didn't make it to tomorrows second round for pattern....owh well........I still feel kinda upset about it but ...I guess there's always next year...I'm so tired out I'm gonna sleep so well tonight, And the good thing is , I can enjoy my sleep till as long as I like because I won't have to get up at 6.30 in the morning tomorrow..!!!


August 23, 2007

Dodo Tournament coming up................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(slaps myself*).
ok ok ok ok...calm now... phew ..DODO TOURNAMENT!!! (phone battaries just died... aw shucks la....)
.....ok.... I don;t even know why I would upload this into my blog.... but I'm online so why not??

The Dodo tournament....I don't even remember paying Sir 20 ringgit to join the Dodo tournament, I don't remember even getting the form from Sir.... oh well, whenever I did it, or even why I did it... God has a plan for me so I'm going.

So I have these 21 steps to remember, plus I might be going for sparring, you know, the punching and the kicking.......haha.... would that be good?? I might end up with nose bleeds and teeth bleeds....thats what Sir told me.....

Well, thats caoming so please pray for me that I'll do welll. I'll update if I feel alright...hahaxxx

okies... now my mom is angry becasue its 1 AM and I'm still on my blog so

night night...

Friday..... The Big Day

Ok... here goes...

So I got to school. I didn't bring much to school today... not much books anyway.... Just my KH tect book and exercise book, and True Singapore Ghost Stories book 11 (I dind't even read it in school so there was no point bringing it anyways)...erm, also 2 changes of clothes one was my uniform and then my clothes for Form 1 Idol... I can't kick and jump around in my uniform for Form 1 Idol haha....and the biggest item was my guitar. Jasmine called me a penguin because she says I walk like one, especially in my Dodo uniform because our Sir gave me the wrong size, I'm a M size and he gave me L.....he said they ran out of M size, so I'll just have to stick to being a penguin for a while until I grow taller I gues... and Akmal jammed on our guitars for a while...he needed some seriuos I guess thats what a tuner is for haha. My guitar's butt is actually bigger than his guitar's butt but I'm so used to my guitar that when we exchanged I couldn't play well.. :P

So... the Dodo students went to the hall for our grading test. Our Sir told us where to stand and then we practiced once again, he left and we were left to wait for Master Wong and the assistant dude.. He came at 2 o' clock so while we waited me and my senior school friends were playing songs on my guitar...some were so pro lol. I was like , wow.
Master Wong and Master Beny came and we had our Dodo test. We were put into two groups and I was in group 1 because I had a Dodo uniform. When group 1 finished we had to lend our uniforms to the second group because they don't have the Dodo uniform... So on...

Me and Tzer haw were a little late into class because we had to change into our school uniform and both of us were a little slow because our legs hurt trying to impress Master Wong to get a double promotion...

Matt came and returned me my guitar in class....KH exam was uh... not exactly hard. All the questions about the sewing and clothes, bla bla...When that exam was over?? Whoho!!! No more exams until October....Everyone went down for recess except me and Nicole. We stayed in class with Cikgu Faizal...He was marking our English papers and we wouldn't give me my total score.. All I know is that out of 40 objective questions I got 2 wrong... not bad.... :D....
I played my guitar and the songs I played.... Cikgu Faizal actually sang along.... lol... The song's I played were things like Wake Me Up When September Ends... Right Here Waiting, Falling In Love With You.... Just anything that I could play that was easy. hehe... Cikgu Faizal's voice was deep and uh....calm or soft...whatever was the right word to use.......

When everyone gathered at the badminton court I got my clothes and went down...then we were put into what number are we singing. I was the last singer, I was a bit like "awwww man..." because the last is when the judges usually start to fall asleep....

So everyone performed. Some of the best were Dafinah, Jasmine and Kendrick..Kendric even played his guitar while he sang, and here I brought my guitar and its sitting backstage because I can't play and sing at the same time...I'm not that pro yet..haha.

When it was my turn to sing, the school bell already rang, so in my mind I was like "oh shoot...!!!"

I did my thing anyway. I sang a oldies tune The King of Rock...You know...Elvis Pretsley?? Yeah, I sang one of his song eventhough most people don't know that song...haha. The title was Hound Dog...Its a rockish song and my mom said that if I sing slow songs even she tends to fall asleep because I don't do slow songs... I'm a rocker hhaha....
The judges... they seemed good. No sign of falling asleep...So bye to school for a week.

Came home.....I was planning to do my Sejarah project or something but I didn't do it because I was to worn off......haha..

Well, so now holiday... what am I gonna do this whole week????


Ok so now its the school holidays and I can finally update my blog without having to worry about school the next day....

This last week of school has been killing me man..
Exams was one, and apart from that, I had to practice all my moves for my Wushudao grading test... and also for the Form 1 Idol Final thingy.... lol. I couldn't believe I actually got in to the finals, so thanks to Mr Eugene.

Exams were ...uh.... ok??
Math was suprisingly...HARD!!! OMG.....All the questions got me like..uh, did I learn this before?? I think I have, but I don't remember..
And it was only 3 chapters Decimals, Integers and uh.... percentages, thats right. Before the exam started I was like, math would be easy...math would be easy, then...... dead.
The other subjects besides math, I hope to pass.... Like geografy, first exam I got 50 something, secong time I failed and then Pn Lim already told me my score for this exam.... 41%, a just nice pass.. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? I bet the teachers would puke when they come to my paper.. (sorry Cik Phuah!!!) Worst I class monitor man... I can;t fail...nanti loose face and kena scold by mom!! XP.

Ok... so the last day of school I would call it The Big Day, because so many things happened that day. 1)Dodo grading test (Wushudao) 2) Last day of exams 3)Form 1 Idol Finals 4)Amyzatul's birthday....

So lets start from the begining.... New entry ok??