I didn't go to school today 'cause I had this annoying cough, sore throat and flu... So thats an extra day and the weekend to recover before school starts again on Monday...
The main reason for this post.
Mr Eugene called me at 11 something in the morning and he told me the awesomemest news... The news that the entire Choral Speaking team was looking forward to. We made it into the next round!! =D The organizer reconsidered letting us go in for the next round... Yeeehawww...!!!!!!
But they still wanna keep to their rule that Form 5's aren't allowed for the competition at all... which means we gotta change some of the solo parts, and Ming Yue, our conductor is no more conductor... And thats why Mr Eugene called me. I got promoted to be conductor!! =D I asked him on Sports Day that I would like to be conductor next year, so maybe thats why...
So happyness is all over. I think it was Pn Shoba who also saved us. She was the one who called the organizer... Thanks Pn Shoba... =)
And to Mr Eugene.... we will not disappoint you!!!
March 26, 2009
March 25, 2009
Zon Damansara Choral Speaking Comp.
Today had finally come. After months and weeks of practicing, 6 schools from the Damansara District arrived at SMKDU, all in high hopes of winning this preliminary round to make it to the next level of this years Choral Speaking Competition.
This is the first year that our school has taken part in Choral Speaking, thanks to Pn Hasni, Mr Eugene and all English teachers who made it happen.
So 36 of us went to SMKDU.
We all sat down and kinda waited for the event to start. I went to the toilet with 2 fellow Choral Speaking members... Li Sha and... uh... forgot her name. =P SORRY!! To me going to the toilet wasn't just to empty my bladder but also to check out SMKDU. Our SMKDU usherer, Jasmeen(if thats how its spelled right...) took us to the toilet which was like... 2 blocks away from the hall. If I studied in DU, I'm sure I would get lost on my first few days. XD The school is BIG. 6 blocks... @.@
DU has 3 water ponds, which 1 of them is empty. The school is actually really nice... I woudn'tmind studying in DU but... I like my school. The toilets in our school are like... 5 times cleaner and nicer than DU. Yes, honestly. Ours smell fresh and look bright. XD The ones in DU were kinda dark, had a cracked mirror and the taps didn't work well. =P
Then Jasmeen took me to see Dominique's class 'cause I requested. =D Haven't seen the dude in a while. And he seems to be really popular in DU. Every DU student I ask, they all know who he is. And Dom... he hasn't changed much since the last time I saw him. Same old same old. Good to see him though. We came back just in time when the intro to Choral Speaking was being done.
*Choral Speaking Competition Starts*
*bla blah bla*
*Team 4 goes up*
All of us were nervous and exited at the same time. Months of hard work for these precious 8 minutes on stage. We all did our best. Perfect, loud and clear. And we didn't make the same mistakes that we always did during practice rounds. =D Our team did the best.
And then, of course, the results.
I was really disapointed with the results. Firstly, we were disqualified. Secondly, the team that did the worst got 3rd place. Why?
We were disqualified because of one little mistake... we had Form 5 members in the team. Just because of THAT small small reason, we were disqualified. Why aren't Form 5's allowed?? If they aren't allowed 'cause its SPM year, then shouldn't Form 3's have the same rule because its PMR year?? Swted. What a dumb rule... yeesh.
And then the worst team that got 3rd place? And this is coming from the bottom of my heart. Do you honestly honestly think, that you, 3rd place winners, are actually winners?? Puhleezzzeee.
If any team were t be disqualified, it would have been that team, not us. Why?
In Choral Speaking, hands aren't allowed to be used. Hands must be behind your back scratching your butt at all times. Vulger language is also not allowed (obviously) and neither is singing. This team did hand actions. They said things like "Go to hell" and "stupid" in their script, and they sang the Pink Panther theme song. And WE got DISQUALIFIED just because of a few Form 5 members? Thats... I don't know what to say... Its not fair, at all...
And guess what? We actually got the highest score. We ARE first place. But we were DISQUALIFIED. Yeesh. So yes, we all went back to school at 11... all of us were upset, but we must always look at the good side.
The good side?
Eventhough we didn't win the first place to go to the next level... we all knew that we were the highest scorers. We won in our hearts. As Ming Yue says, the judges didn't know we won. XD And besides, everyone knew we were the best. Even the other schools. And I also made a lot of new friends in Choral Speaking. Some whom I've never talked to before in school. We're friends now. They know me and I know them. I'm also much much closer to the Form 1's. =D
Congratulations to all BU Choral Speaking members. We were enthusiatic, loud, smiling, didn't forget our lines, made a good exit and entrance, charmed the audience and most of all, we had confidence and knew long before the results came out that we ARE the winners. And even if we didn't win this year, we will return, full of confidence that next year, we're guarenteed first place. =)
The big happy family. =)
March 12, 2009
Behold our latest installment in SMK Bandar Utama. A thing that all guard posts have. But why do WE need one in the school???
If you look closely, theres no rope that holds the tip of this ... thing to make it go up and down. Its sustained with a stick. Whats the point of having this if its not gonna move?!?!?
Its just ... THERE. Whats the puspose of having this anyway... aren't the school gates good enough?? Why spend money on useless things like this in school?? Do you know that there are many other usefull things the money can be used for?
Lets take a look....
Lo and behold our beautiful basketball court. This hasn't been repaired for what... almost 3 years or more? Its BROKEN! Fix this up... then our school basketballers will be happy that finally something is done with the basketball court.
SMKBU has money... why don't they pay attention to these things... and I bet fixing up a few signs and 2 basketball hoops won't cost as much as putting a useless ... THING at the guardhouse.
March 10, 2009
Seven Pounds

I really recommend the movie 7 Pounds.
7 pounds has got to be the most heartfelt, confusing, sad movie I have seen in a long long time. At first when you watch it, you don't know what is going on... but in the last 45 minutes towards the ending it all starts to make sense. The ending was really sad and I almost cried. Beautiful film.
The movie is about Ben Thomas (Will Smith), who goes around helping people for some reason, and falls in love and then ..........
I'm not gonna spoil it! Go watch it!!!!!! GO!GO!
And its best that before you watch it, DON'T DO ANY RESEARCH ABOUT IT! Go blank headed, then it adds more suspicion and wonder and you'll have question marks all over your head.
March 5, 2009
NIE Workshop 2009
Today was supposed to be a normal day at school.... with Sejarah class. XD
Our first period was Seni... and Pn Afni came up to me and said, "Can you do me a favour? I need you to come with me to the NIE workshop after the 2nd bell...." What?
So I called my mom and she said yes... and last minute Shahidan decided to come as well. So the 3 of us with Pn Afni and her hubby went to Taylor's college... The ride smooth but long... I had fun talking to Junmey at the back. Shahidan sat in front and she said it was to prevent me and him from fighting. WHAT?! Haha... but I gotta admit its actually true laa... me and Shahidan are like that everyday in class. He'll flick me and I'll smack his head with my trusted notebook. Even Pn Afni is like, sudah biasa lah these 2.
We reached Taylor's at 9. There was no elevator to go to the multi-purpose hall... so we had some exercise and walked up. The workshop didn't start until 10.00 so we had an hour to stone... Just kinda looked around... and talked.
We started with one short presentation on the rules and regulations, the theme and what we should do. Our second presentation was about how to create your mini magazine. This year's is different from last year.
Last year we had to make a poster on the given theme. This year we are making a mini magazine. The theme this year is Teenage Angst. So what we have to do is make a cover page, and 2 content pages. 3 page magazine. No more no less. And with that you will get a personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut. To upgrade your voucher to a regular pizza, you would have to submit 2 mini magazines on 2 different topics of teen angst. Andddd...................... You will have to submit a 3 minute video. A 3 minute video about teen angst. At the end of the workshop we had to make a draft of our mini mag. We didn't win but whatever lahh...
After that there was food, but we decided not to eat there 'cause it was to crowded, and since we were one of the last people out, the food might have been gone. So we scooted out and went to Subang Parade for Mc Donalds!!! Subang Parade... now thats a place I remember. We had our NST Spelling Bee there!!
After that we went back to school...
Pn Afni said that the 3 of us might have to conduct a mini workshop for those in SMKBU who want to participate... its kinda complicated this year as well...
Hope that works out.... so thats the end of another post!!
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