October 26, 2008

Its the thought that counts...

What I got for my buhhhdayyhh.

Bracelet from Ying Soon... so sweet!

3 books!!! WOOOHOO!!! I'm gonna LOVE these.

Wristbands from dad to play squash... hehe.

A bear pillow that I thought was a dog... haha. From Nigel, Pik Kei and Julian from the Jusco sale.. HAHA!
Its the thought that really counts. =D

MP3 from dad!!! YAY!!!!!!

Oh and there's the pie from Shahidan.... but that didn't survive the camera... haha...

What more could you ask for???

Today was supposed to be a boring day. Not usual day, BORING DAY. Mom and aunt were not home for the weekend.... so only my maid and grandparents and me at home. I made plans for today, but then I cancelled them. But fortunately for me, Ying Soon made plans to go to 1U todayyyy.... =D Before we went, Shahidan came and dropped me a present! =D PECAN PIE!! YAY!!! =D

At first it was just 2 of us, 0.0.... but then Pik Kei and Nigel were coming.... =D. More people more fun. And when we got to 1 Utama Julian G said he was coming as well!! yaaayyyyy!! First we went to Jusco... lol. Ying Soon had to return some stuff and Pik Kei wanted to get some stuff... so me, Julian and Nigel walked around... We went to Parkson.

Immitating the bear... lol

Me and the red dude!! ELMOOO!!

Julian and Cookie monster with me and Elmo's red butt.... haha.

Nigel and Barbie... lol!!!

We went to myNewscafe for lunch... the food there not bad actually... After we ate Pik Kei brought out a cake... something I didn't expect! The cake was coffee flavour or something like that... Everyone shoved cake into my face...!! I had cake all on my nose lol... I smelled coffee the whole dayyy... And I also got presents... and they were from the recent Jusco sale... LOL! How convenient for them... XP

In this pic Nigel's cheek was bleeding... serves you right for scratching Nigel! XP

Nigel wearing my hairband! Isn't he prettyyy??

Ying Soon looks more like he's teaching me Math than ordering food...

ooo... posers! Sexayy!!


Yepp... thats me.

My buddies... =D

"Come on everyone... lets shove cake into Rhonwyn's face!!!"
"Noo!!! Leave me alone!!!!!!! GAHHH"

The pretty little cake... =D

Ying Soon feeding me cake... =P

Then we went to ToysRus. XP We're kids...!! YAY!

"wooo... nice hat..."
"Nigel u so gay lahhhh.."

The cursed retarded looking sponge on Pik Kei's hand with the gay wizard of Gayland... Nigel!

Left to right: Pik Kei, Spongebob, Nigel, Rhonwyn with no face, Ying Soon.


"Huh... its Spongebob...lol"

"Come on Rhonwyn... put your Spongebob on!!"

Me and Ying Soon look like Nigel's conscience...
Rhonwyn: "No Nigel... you must follow your heart..."
Ying Soon: "No Nigel... your **** shows the way...! Don't listen to the mat salleh!
Nigel: "uhhhhh........."


We went to the arcade.... Played one round of racing... I was just RIGHT behing Ying Soon... if he wasn't blocking then I wouldv'e got 2nd place! At least I beat Nigel.. lol. Julian got first. We also played air hockey!!!! =D

Air Hockey!!! Me vs Ying Soon.

Me vs Nigel

Playing some tarted game... haha

And then we went for Karaoke... Something happened in there lol... the volume blasted!! GAHH! This time singing wasn't as nice as when we sang during Ying Soon's birthday.... but at least this time there was more space and oxygen! LOL!!! XP



Abba... Super Trouper... haha

At 5 something we left... Wow.... so today was really really fun!!!!! I had a blast. Was good to be out today. =D
MY birthday pic... =D

At night I went out again... with my family and my friend and her parents... =D More presents!! and another cake!!! =D
The happy girl...

To Ying Soon, Pik Kei, Nigel, Julian.
To Shahidan.
To my Family.
To my friends who wished me on Friendster, Facebook, email, calling me, sms or face2face

Thank you for making my 14th birthday a happy, fun and memorable one...!!


October 12, 2008

Ying Soon's buhhday

Today was Ying Soon's buhday. His classmates had a celebration for him and I was invited =D. So it was seven Form 6, plus one chubby lil Form 2 mat salleh. Me. Haha. First we had dinner at Wong Kok.

Buhday boy got a cake, card and present. His present so farnee weih... He got a men;s G-string!! HAHA! OMG. I don't know why they would buy something like that for him anyway, so fahhnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

So.... after dinner we went for karaoke. LoLs! We sing so fahhnee... all out of tune. HAHA. Pik Kei is a really good singer. The guys were just trying to break the windows... aha. We sang a lot of Abba songs. YEAH!! WOOHOO!!!

So yeah... today was awesome!! =D

At Wong Kok for dinner

THAT IS ONE BIG DRINK!! And we got it FREE 'cause it was Ying Soon's buuhddayyy...!!

Opening his present

The underwear. LoL.

Haha I was smart enough to use a straw... so Nigel didn't get anything!! xD You can tell by his face he was annoyed!

Buhhday boy and buuhhday cake

Aha so random!!

Group photohhh

Karaoke Singin Time!!

Me and Pik Kei

Ying Soon and Julian

No Nigel...

All the Form 6.... =D

Me and the buhhhday boy. =P

October 2, 2008

Steamboat Party =D

Today Kim had a steamboat party at his house and I was invited.

At 12.30 I got to his place. Pik Kei, Wee Sheong, Ying Soon, Chester and Eyka we're already there. I watched them play cards. I didn't know how to play whatever they were playing. One round they gave me the cards and Pik Kei was supposed to be my mentor... haha. But ended up I was just holding the cards and she was taking them out of my hand and putting them down. Lols.

When Julian (finally) came we started eating! =D The food was awesome. There were prawns,

mushrooms, fishballs, eggs, sausages.... and more fishballs. haha. Grace came a while later with fried rice... YUM!! =P
So yeahh.... we sat there eating... and chatting.... and eating.... and chatting.

some shots while eating...

Julian and Wee Sheong... WAIT! I have a better one of Julian!!

2 Great Shots of JULIAN!!! HAHA

Chester and Pik Kei

Ying Soon

Eyka and me

Kim, Grace and Chester... with a bit of PK. haha

Okay.... then after food we went up to Kim's room and watched a movie. First pick was HOSTEL. Its supposed to be a scary movie, but it wasn't that scary 'cause all of us we're making fun of the movie. Poor Grace got scared by Ying Soon 'cause be "boo-ed" her really loud. Grace had her face covered by her bag. Julian was sitting infront of me so I could duck behind the big guy. We didn't watch the whole thing though. Halfway Pik Kei left... Then we switched movies to Hot Fuzz. Grace left and then Chester. So left 5 of us. Went home at about 4.30 I guess. I had fun with the Form 6. I was the only Form 2 there lols... =P Thanks for inviting me Kim. =D

Pics in Kim's room

Oh when I got home this little guy flew into my study room. =D I had to use my lucky star tuppleware to put him in. All the stars are next to him... haha